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Quick questions


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There are two things that have cropped up on this board and mainly on NASCAR that I don't understand.


1. Spotters- Why is anything a spotters fault. It seems to me that a spotter is an aide, not the be-all end-all. I understand what spotters do, I understand why sometimes they get blamed, but I mean on a diferent level, why? Seems like everything should rest on the driver. Maybe we should get rid of spotters. Sure it would change the way people drive, but it sure would make a driver be aware of his surroundings. The old guys had to know how to handle a car, they had to have car awareness, they had to have track awareness. Maybe bringing it back would put some more fun back in the racing.


2. COT- This kind of relates to the spotter question. I keep hearing that the car of tomorrow is too hard to drive. Hell to me thats what separates the winners from the losers. Racing is basically about driving as fast as you can without losing control. Lately the cars seem to be too easy to drive. Anybody thats willing to push the envelope can get away with things because the cars handle and stick so good. If the car is too hard to drive at the speed you are driving, SLOW DOWN. The guy that has to slow down the least will win most of the time. I know I enjoyed watching racing more back when the cars didn't handle as well and there was more driving and less rocket science. I wish they would make everybody race with a factory frame and get rid of all the fancy suspensions. Then we get to see better racing. I would gladly trade a slower race for more beating, banging, rubbin' passin', and racin'.

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with HANS/hutchins , head rest ,and placing your seat even with the bottom of the frame rails it has pretty much become a MUST to have a spotter in a lot a classes of racing.

there are alot more blind spots in a L.M. as compared to a street stock or hobby stock. and with all the extra safety devices put in to form today you have to have a spotter you can trust whole heartedly , and rely on 75% of the time you come off our go into a turn.

on a start or a restart a good spotter is working just as hard as the driver.

-love ya mom.

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with all the head restraints ,head rests, full face helmets, seats with shoulder braces,window nets that you can't see through ,in other words the safety equipment used now the driver can't see out the side windows because you can't move your head ,the spotter is responsible to let the driver know if someone is trying to pass 'low or high' or if there is an incident on the track in front of him the driver needs to have complete trust in his spotter and the spotter needs to be a level headed person who will keep his emotions in check . B)

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When the cup guys talk about it being hard to drive most are saying it doesnt turn.They make adjustments and it still doesnt turn.|And it looks like if ya get out of the draft your going to the back. The cot was suppose to make it where cars couldnt break away and they would run in a pack,(unless you got a hendricks engine package..lol)so far it's just made boring racing in my opinion, I actually find myself looking forward to the busch race, it's usally better than the cots. I thought they were suppose to be high performance race cars...not grocery carts. JMO

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Hard to drive? guess you need to get working on your vehicle set-up and change things to make it better and easier to handle for the driver.


Kind of reminds of a few years back, where at Indy they took some of the downforce away from the cars. During an interview one of the drivers said it wasn't any fun because they had to lift in the corners.


My first thought was "Oh, you mean you actually have to DRIVE the car?"


It's amazing to me to look in the cockpits of cars nowadays - even the sprint cars. How they can see anything at all is beyond me.



Regarding the Car of Tomorrow - I think Terry Labonte had the best line during his interview at Thunder Hill:


"Let's just say I'm glad I'm a driver from yesterday"

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