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The Results are in, it will just be delayed before they get posted.


My Little Brother was at Lawton Speedway, in Lawton Ok Last Night, visting with some drivers after the show when a fight broke out between the crew he was visiting with and another crew. Supposedly my brother stepped back when the fight broke out, and supposedly he was mistaken for a member of the teams involved in the fight, and was attacked by two individuals. Anyhow he has a shattered jaw and will be undergoing emergency surgery tommorrow morning to repair it.


My folks have left for Fort Sill, this morning and it will be a few weeks until they return.


So, my dad asked me to post the results, but it will be a while because I need to go to his house to get them. I will try to have it posted by tommorrow evening after work.


Tom Creacy

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CC Speedway Results, 5/12/07, from Carol Yocum






72 Rex Henley

27 Douglas Lestourgeon

11 Mark Hudler

7 Matthew Kamiski

66 Troy Hensiek



34 Greg Carlucci Jr.

84 Greg Carlucci Sr.

20 Troy Vella

64 Abel Arredondo

81 Mark Villarreal Jr.

03 Mario Lopez



34 Greg Carlucci Jr.

20 Troy Vella

84 Greg Carlucci Sr.

27 Douglas Lestourgeon

72 Rex Henley

66 Troy Hensiek

03 Mario Lopez

11 Mark Hudler

7 Mathew Kaminski

81 Mark Villarreal Jr.

64 Abel Arredondo


Mechanics Race

84 Joe Kopec

81 Nick Trevino

66 Ed Gerber

34 Bill Brown





82 Anthony Monroe

72 Robert Curry

31 Scott Mumme

85 Chris Silvas

55 Joe Arce

20 Taylor Vella



82 Anthony Monroe

72 Robert Curry

85 Chris Silvas

2 Brandon Skinner

31 Scott Mumme

55 Joe Arce

20 Taylor Vella



85 Flo Arjona

20 Mike Pounds





77 GB Carter

26 Lalo Leal

13 Pappy Greene

95 Shawn Bourland

88 Nellie Kelley

29 Johnny Guerra



29 Johnny Guerra

88 Nellie Kelley

8 Buddy Stapper



77 GB Carter

13 Pappy Greene

26 Lalo Leal

88 Nellie Kelley

4 Cody Limerick

95 Shawn Bourland

29 Johnny Guerra

91 Roger Davis

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What happened to cjy08 did he show up or is his motor still messed up.



I was there, made 3 laps in pratice and blew my head gasket and warped the head. But worked on it all day sunday and Ready for sure to race This weekend. Was a great show guys, fast cars, great excitment, flying bugs... :lol: Buggin thanks for testing that wall you welded, now we all know its safe, He even tried to tow his own car back to the pits. only in a bug.... P.S Mr. buggin , I got word that night, that this weekend PINTO's are going to come and Invade {The Bull Ring}!!!! Now I just hope we can keep up with the Bug it was mighty Fast out there held GB off over a little while.

Edited by CJY08
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Thanks Top dog & CJY08,,,,,,that was fun to race with all the MINI stocks,,,,,,,,,,three wide with Top Dog was so Cool,,,,,The bug is Fix now,but needs some yellow paint now,,,,,,,I hope the wall didn't hurt the motor ,,,,,,,,yes GB yelled at me for going to high in turn 2 then he passed me,,, but thanks to GB too


PS thanks to all the drivers for keeping the SPORT ALIVE KEEP ON RACING

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we are worrking hard toget two more fords out there ..pintos .for those who want to know ..got to help out cjyo8 .. might win with numbers ..lol .,, the way it looks maybe two weeks ...may have the 84 out this week ..with work and all it just takes time ..so come on over and get your hands dirty .lol ..

Edited by oldtimer
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Bugin, glad to here you got her fixed. Sorry I missed your "accident"! Had a blast racing with everyone!


Oldtimer, your "Bug Spray"doesn't kill, it only disorients them so that they fly backwards into walls. And the method of delivery definitely needs some work. I can't believe I didn't spin in my own mess. It's not ready for you guys to use in a TPS race yet.


GB, I replaced that lower radiator hose & double clamped it. Also added some "EXTRA" roll cage padding per your suggestion so maybe next time I can 'catch' you.


TopDog, had fun chasing you but don't think I have enough motor. Oh well, I'll make do with what I have & just maybe I'll beat you next time.

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sorry pappy ill have to juice it up some more ..sense that bug has that funny looking hair on top .it kinda got in the way .have to spray from the bottom up from now on ...the last time i sprayed it from the stands as it went by slowly ..bugs are hard to kill ..

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He's got that Mohawk on top for Air dinatmic's , He saw how fast the neon's, fords, hondas were with the spoiler, and he can't run one on the motor, so he put it on the roof. sorry Buggin, couldn't hold the secert no more. lol and do you see that GB? More PINTO'S!!!! we're comming......

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He's got that Mohawk on top for Air dinatmic's , He saw how fast the neon's, fords, hondas were with the spoiler, and he can't run one on the motor, so he put it on the roof. sorry Buggin, couldn't hold the secert no more. lol and do you see that GB? More PINTO'S!!!! we're comming......

i thought that thing on top was to slow him down from going to fast ..he told me he was skeerd of speed ..

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