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I have been wanting to build a website.So I am looking at different drivers sights trying to get some ideas and come across this on Kristen Bumberas website."On lap 35 as she was passing for another position on the outside, Stephen McCurley #1 attempted to make the field three-wide as he went outside of Bumbera. There just wasn’t enough room for three cars in turn 4 and McCurley turned left down into Bumbera sending her sliding backwards and sideways all the way down the front stretch".I could'nt believe what I was reading,because I never took my eyes off the 1 car all night and seen exactly what happened in the wreck she was refering to.She was not passing anyone on the outside and the yellow 1 car did not make it 3 wide.I can't imagine why she would bad mouth someone like this without having her facts straight,but here is some film to refresh her memory.

Edited by landlord
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After a night of sleep I re-read what was written on her webpage.She obviously don't know whats going on around her during a race.Her spotter or someone should have told her after it was over because by blasting the #1 car on the world wide web she has made herself look silly to her sponsor or anyone else that seen what happened.The irony here is the #1 car had to finish the rest of the race with a damaged car because of "her mistake".I don't know anyone in that camp but have always considered Kristen and her Bumberas race team to be hard nose competitive racers and I hope after seeing the film that someone sees fit to change the story on their website.It's the only fair and right thing to do.


I think someone else writes her press releases. My question is, why wasn't the caution thrown. the races that night had so many spins that turned into wrecks because of the lack of cautions it was rediculous.

Maybe thats the case,but I would think she would want whoever is writing for her to get the story right.

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I'm very sure that Kristin has someone writing the press releases for her..


That aside...


As someone who writes race reports for PR clients, I'm a little surprised - just like you - as to the exact verbage used in the release. I'd suggest that other writers - like Jay Hallas, Mike Haag, Nick, TQ Jones - give their opinion on this subject...


When writing a race report (from a PR perspective), I make it a rule to try NOT use a specific car number/name when talking about an accident/spin out, no matter whose fault it is..I look on that as a 'courtesy' because people reading the release might place unwanted/undeserved blame on a driver(s)..Considering how hard EVERYONE works just to get out there and race on the local level, that seems to work for K-MAC Sports..


There are a couple of exceptions...(1) the other driver-drivers admit(s) to being involved and/or apologizes for being involved..if the other driver admits to being at fault, then I use their name and try to give a quote directly from them (that's happened before)...(2) my client admits to being at fault and/or apologizes for being involved, then I give a quote directly from them (that's happened before, too)...


EVERY PR Director/Firm has their own policy, and I'm certainly not saying these PR folks are at fault here...they're entitled to their policy..I'm sure folks have thoughts about our policy..I'm just posting a thought to the subject you brought up...

Edited by ChuckLicata
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this is not the first time...several times they have wrote about him in her reports.....what is that about?????

"juice it up" is one thing but to rewrite the race in lies to make you look better (on someone else's cost)

dont think so....if you have to do that then your not doing much anyway

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I'm assuming McCurley was the yellow car. He didn't do anything to cause the spin from what I saw. He definitely deserves an apology for that description of the incident since it is an absolute lie. By the way I thought the outside groove wasn't fast in Houston, he was flying.

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Since Chuck threw my name out there, I figured I'd add my thought. I haven't read the story or watched the video(DIAL-UP sucks!!)


I will say this, I ALWAYS try to give my perspective from what I saw and draw on many years of racing experience. If I feel or it's easy to see that someone was at fault, I'll say so. If it looks like a "racing deal", I'll try to portray it as just that. If I didn't see the incident, I'll just state they got together or got tangled, leaving the reader to place blame as THEY saw it.


Do I get it right ALL the time??? Hell no, but it's not from trying to juice anything up, personal feelings towards a certain driver or anything like that. Sometimes what you see from turn 1, isn't the same you see from turn 4. Sometimes there a mitigating factors, like something broke, that you can't see. Unless you talk to the driver afterwards, you seldom know....and many drivers aren't in that good of mood after tearing up their car to talk to.


I've ALWAYS prided myself on giving an accurate, yet tell it like it is, story. Friendships and feelings aside. I can actually be harder on my friends sometimes......they should know better!! LMAO

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My point was, they have always thrown cautions when someone spins. During the same race, a car spun in turn 2. The yellow came as cars were coming around 1, tore up a few cars in that incident. Cars coming 2 wide through a turn with a car in the middle sideways results in damaged racecars and time spent cleaning up. Attempting to speed up the show slowed it way down. I almost wrecked my car when the leader blew his radiator going into 1. 4 gallons of water on the track, every car got sideways, no caution. We were lucky no cars were damaged in our race. But if you are going to change the yellow flag policy, tell us first. There are things that we expect from the track because it is what they have always preached. I support HMP 100%, but I will speak my mind and I will be asking the question in the drivers meeting.

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We would like to apologize for the mis-statement in our April 23, 2007 press release. The correction will be made asap and can be verified at kristinbumbera.com.


It has never been our practice to speak negatively of another person or driver. We have consistently praised our competition in numerous press releases - please feel free to browse through all of them. You will find that Stephen McCurley has only been mentioned one other time as a recap side note regarding his major crash in 2006. Kristin Bumbera does not (nor do any other drivers that we are aware of) write her own press releases. In fact please take a minute to read all of her interviews and you will find that she often praises her competitors and considers many of them to be role models to her. She and Stephen as well as the Bumbera and McCurley families are friends and have never had any reason not be to.


Obviously we were saddened by both of these quotes by racetrackfan as it does not describe what we are about.


'May 4 2007, 02:01 PM' post='121781'

this is not the first time...several times they have wrote about him in her reports.....what is that about?????

"juice it up" is one thing but to rewrite the race in lies to make you look better (on someone else's cost)


April 23, 2007

i agree wrecking your way to the front is not winning..Eddie done a great job and i was happy to see him win. but they are going to have to do something about the rough driving...Bumbera put one car in the wall for trying to pass on the outside.dont know if it was bad spotter or poor sportsmanship.


"Landlord" we hope you liked the website - we will be happy to provide you with the designers contact info if you would like.

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I just went to your website and I think ya'll could probably just take that whole press release and junk it. You call out 2 separate drivers by name, and on a night where it seems like you guys hit everything but the pacecar :rolleyes: - the press release says you were taken out twice by 2 separate cars, blocked by 2 more and someone else caused you to rearend another. Maybe Ms. Kristin was just having a bad night.


I wasn't there. I'm not trying to be critical. I haven't been to HMP since WoO in 1983 when it was Big H. I have no dog in this fight, I'm just trying to let you know what an unbiased fan is reading when I see it. Good luck to Kristin. You've got a lot to be proud of in that young lady.

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