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Nick and Others, I find myself spending way too much time in the History Topics. My friend with whom I grew up with called they other day and said that he had found a forum where folks were talking about Bill White. Boy, we both could talk about him until we were hoarse. I noticed that yall are mostly South Texas racers and fans. Well I am from the Waco area and have much to offer conserning history starting from 1970. In fact I keep detailed records from the Heart O' Texas Speedway from 73 - 75. I began racing, or some may say trying to race in 76. This put an end to the detailed record keeping but have over 50 pounds of what is now historical data. Being from Central Texas I hope to be able to add to this great site a prospective that peeks at least a few of your intrest. I like a couple of other forums in which I keep up with track results, but I feel like Nick and really get tired of the whinning stuff. The history is my real cup of tea.

Keep up the good work, Kenny Kemp

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PLEASE PLEASE post as much stuff as you can. We need to let everyone about our racing history before many of us are no longer around to tell about it. So much is already lost. Thanks for helping in keeping it alive.


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Yea Kenny, I was raised in Austin but my Dad was living in Waco so I spent the summers at the Heart o Texas Speedway. I remember watching guys like Gordon Wooley, J.T. Carpenter, Bill White, and a Kid named Keith Green and Paul White. The last two are my age and it is good to see Keith and Paul still running and wild to see Keith's kids racing also.

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IVICIC, If you about Paul White's age then we have probably been face to face a number of rimes at HOT. I missed only a hand full of races during the 70's. In fact my Dad began using the races as a motivator to get me to do things around the house. In 72 I was told early in the week that the lawn needed mowing before Friday (race day). On Thursday Dad noticed that the lawn had not been touched. He said "If it's not mowed when I come home from work you will not go to the races". Of course I would have mowed the whole block to go to the track, so I fully intended to mow the next morning. For some reason I simply forgot! Dad pulls into the driveway after work and it hit me. I havn't mowed! I quickly got the mower out and got after it. When Dad left for the track he said see ya! I told you to mow before I got home not after. Kid, I cried until I couldn't. I tried to watch TV, but that was no fun either. Needless to say Dad could get anything done by the just the threat of using that powerful weapon again. Here is something that might intrest you. Keith Green's 1st Mod 1975


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