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Friday April 6 Race


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Ok guys - we're as ready as we can get. Still a lot of bugs to work out at the facility but we are still trudging foward. Progress has been slow but it will come. Good news - the track is going to be awesome cuz da man said so. IMCA license applications will be on site - IMCA Sports Mod and IMCA Modified will have to have them or at least get them filled out tonight and we will submit from track. You can go online at IMCA.com as well and file.

new track phone number : local 830-569-5919

toll free 866-569-5919


website is coming soon - I've been permanantly ban from it by the website guru. something along the lines of "no touchy dalittle key or chopit dot fingeroff"....I don't know.


anyway, we'll see everyone tonight. Gates open at 4:00 pm, Races start at 8:00 pm

Pure Stock, Street Stock, Super Stock, Texas Outlaw Modified Series, IMCA Sports Mod., IMCA Modified will be racing.


Thanks everyone,


Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway


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A few thoughts about last night...


I know it was the first night for a new track-owner/promoter, so it's expected that there would be some bugs to be worked out. That being said, I thought it was a little much that racing started 50 minutes late. Hot laps didn't start until 8:10, and the national anthem played at 8:50. 15 minutes, I could see - 50 was a bit much.


Related to the above, if running way behind, eliminate or shorten the intermission before the features to speed up the show.


I know I'll take heat from someone on this, but I think the Tx Outlaw Mods should go. I heven't yet seen them bring enough cars to be worth the time they take up. If they are going to run, make them a feature-only group. They don't need a heat race for five cars that spin every other lap. (That may be an idea for every class - if less than 12 cars, you run feature-only to provide interest and not delay the show). And I don't know what was going on with those two mini-stock cars plodding around out there by themselves, especially since one ran in a Pure Stock heat. As a fan, I've gotta see more than that to come back out and spend money.


The PA system (or at least the speaker on the announcing/scoring booth) needs some work.


Now for the good...


The Super Stocks had some decent racing, despite a rather low car count. Since the rules were set fairly recently, hopefully the counts will improve as racers get time/money to build to those rules and it becomes apparent that the track ownership/promotion/rules situations are stable.


The IMCA modifieds (both Sport & full-up) put on a good show.



In all, it was expected that there might be some bugs and (as a spectator) it wasn't too bad. Lest everyone think I'm bashing Chico and all his hard work, I'm not. I know that running a race event is a huge show, and sometimes you're so busy dealing with immediate situations that other things may get by, a bit. I wanted to put my thoughts out, so others can add or discuss, and the results might be a "lessons-learned" experience and some ideas for the future, to make the track and show as good as possible for the future.


Thanks to Chico for taking all this on!!! We're with you!

Edited by texasprd
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First night of racing almost always longer cause time it takes to register all the cars that are new to track...


Brh...dont you have a car? no heat race means no chance to feel track and set up for main ...I dont like that idea personally...agree with wanting a on time show..noone likes leaving late...I am sure it will get better..

Edited by Braunfels99
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texasprd, I agree with you totaly, I like the less than 12 just run a feature, what does a heat race accomplish with that few cars, need to get the show over asap, if you dont have time to take a pee between races then thats a well run show.


for the pure, street, and super stocks the reason why we run heat races are for points.

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for the pure, street, and super stocks the reason why we run heat races are for points.


I can see your point if you have enough cars to make AT LEAST two decent heat races (by "decent", my personal standard is six cars per heat, with no cars repeated in between heats, but YMMV). Then it can make a difference.


But if you only have 4-5 cars, like the TOMS, what difference does it make? The feature just becomes an extended, repeated heat race - are you really going to pick up points by racing the exact same cars again?

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Although I didn't actually time it, the intermission seemed like an hour long. Considering that six classes were being run and the show was running way late at that point, I think most fans would have been fine with ten or fifteen minutes. Given the weather and the lack of food in the concession stand at that point, the intermission was not to the benefit of the fans.


I would also like to propose a couple of other things to move the show along. If you have a twelve-car class I would much rather see two six-car heats than three four-car heats - with six classes there is no reason to stretch the show out. The promoter also should not be afraid to "call time" on a race. Set a maximum time limit for each event, and drop the checkered at that time.


And in cases like the Street Stock feature, with three cars running, the leader half a lap ahead and the other two just putting in their time until the race is over - If there is no drama, and even the drivers admit by their action that there is no competition, then I don't have any interest either. Drop the checkered and put the racers and the fans out of their misery, there is no reason to drag it out for twenty laps.


My personal feeling about racing programs is that they should allow the fan to drive an hour home and arrive on the same day he departed. In other words, a local racing show is a one evening event, I don't want it to rearrange my entire weekend. I will tolerate leaving the track at 1:00 A.M. once, but next time I'm heading for the parking lot at 11:00, and if I don't feel I've gotten my money's worth by that point I won't be back a third time.


I love the track, but Friday night really pushed the limits.

Edited by Bobby
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The 2 mini stocks at intermission was just hot laps...the 22 car was ours we asked the pure stock mini to run with our daughter. It was supposed to be a kind of interduction to a possible new class of jr minis. The 22 car was 12 years old. It would have been a better show if the announcer would have at least relayed this info...cause to me it was the best show of the night ...lol (especialy after that horrible super stock race) AJ (52 super stock)

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if the announcer would have at least relayed this info


The announcer didn't know. If I had of been aware of what was going on, I would have pumped it up. Can't tell people what I don't know. And at that point there wasn't a radio in the booth, so it couldn't be relayed to me.


I assumed it was just hop laps. I am sorry the correct information wasn't announced.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Tri-City Speedway Announcer.

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April 20th


I noticed there were only four street stocks. I'll run my I-stock with y'all if invited.

While an I-stock engine is fairly unrestricted, I guarantee the 350 carb CFM will more than cancel that advantage. I invite inspection of my carburetor. Give the word and I will be there.


If not, well Killeen is closer than San Antonio.


Only racing every other week? Somebody said April 20. I don't see a schedule posted on the web site.


Starting 50 minutes late with an hour intermission will not be good for somebody towing 110 miles so let's hope the next show goes faster.


Good to see the Sports Mod, Modified and Pure stock car counts were decent.


Don in Austin


I-Stock 51 :):):)

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Meester Dennis,


Oops! :rolleyes:


Day late, dollar short, as usual.




They aren't racing next week due to the NASCAR race in Ft. Worth. A lot of tracks shut down for that one.


After next week, the races will be every week.


I will try to talk to Chico next time I call him about your car running with Street Stocks.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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Meester Dennis,


Oops! :rolleyes:


Day late, dollar short, as usual.




They aren't racing next week due to the NASCAR race in Ft. Worth. A lot of tracks shut down for that one.


After next week, the races will be every week.


I will try to talk to Chico next time I call him about your car running with Street Stocks.


Bill "Sarge" Masom


He seemed up for it. I was wondering about the other drivers. Class can't make it on four cars!

Perhaps some 1/2 mile asphalt cars will convert -- that would be good.


Don in Austin

I-Stock 51

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I said "just about" - that didn't exclude the possibility of someone putting on a better show. :P


Nothing against Whiteaker - I didn't chart the starting/ending positions of all the cars. That was indeed a fine ride, and thanks for pointing it out.

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wanted to say thanks to Chico and to everyone at Tri-City.... We had a blast Friday night. If it weren't so cold we would have had even more fun...


looks like we may have found a new home, may see a #27 car on dirt some time in the future...


Thanks Chico from Mark, Jim and Eric....

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