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Congtulations to Sean and Eloysa Agustus


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Congrats to the Agustus family!


Hope everything is well with both mother and child. We know Sean is a wreck, but that is "normal" for him. LOL


Being a daddy is the greatest thing in the world.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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Hey Guys Just brought our wonderful baby girl home today. As rusty said she was a whopping 7lbs 7oz and 20inches long. She was pronounced born at 12:32am on Friday morning. MOM and Baby are doing well she should be back on here feet in no time. Greatlfully she got her mothers great looks. So no additional Red heads in the pits. LOL She has Brown hair and blueish/grey eyes. Hopefully theyll be blue. Gotta go... feeding and changing time!


Sean, Eloisa, And Mercy Kaiden Augustus

Edited by SeanAugustus
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Congrats lil' bro...


Put the pictures on your computer then clicky the little button and point it to wherever they are on your computer. I usually put a folder on my desktop to make it easier.


Call me tomorrow if you still have problems....


Oh, tell mom congrats as well!

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