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Where did the post go in the "Announcements, Press Releases, and Results" from Mike Haag? USRA may be dropping Super Late Model Series

For those of you who were wondering what happened to my original post, it was censored by Terry Dickerson and Nick Holt. I was sent an email by Nick informing me that my post was removed at Terry Dickerson's request.


Mike Haag

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join the club mike........

thanX for all you are TRYING to do , and never say mmmmmmmooooooo.

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Terry asked me to post some information about the Super Late Models and I will do my best to share the what he had to say about this situation.


It's no secret that the USRA has not decided what to do about the SLMs in 2007. Terry got on the front straight at SAS during the recent ASA event and announced to the crowd that the SAS schedule had been released and brought it to everyone's attention that the SLMs were not on the SAS schedule - YET. And he made it a point to say that the USRA was looking at many options for the series in 2007 in spite of the financial losses the series has incurred over the past several years.


The fact is that none of the USRA schedules have been released yet because negotiations with other tracks and other regional touring series have not been completed. The Modifieds and Trucks were on the schedule because they do not interface with other regional series to the extent that the SLMs do.


It is no secret that many of our top USRA teams participate in the ASALMS races and travel to Mobile and Pensacola to race there on a regular basis. Before and decisions about the SLM schedule are made, the USRA needs to know how a potential USRA schedule would fit with their schedules. And it is no secret that Terry has been talking with the other regional/national series about options involving those series.


So, bottom line is that the USRA is looking at many positive, exciting options for the SLMs for 2007. And sure, one of those options would be to drop the series like so many other areas of the country have done with their Super Late Model divisions over the past few years. But Terry has asked me to emphasize that the USRA will do everything it can to work with everyone - other track and series included - to keep the Super Late Models alive and, hopefully, prospering.


Had Mr. Haag had called Terry before writing his recent story he might have included some of the above in his article.


Nick Holt

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Ok here is a suggestion pay the modifieds or trucks the purses the SLMs were getting,and watch them grow,especially the modifieds 2500 to win for them is good,but watch what could happen for 5000 to win in the mods. I don't have either one of them,but think about it.

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what johnny said.



the man is trying to break ground on local coverage for you/us ,BUT you want to control what is put out to the public? good luck on getting coverage of any kind next year if you keep doing that.


-i call it the 'rainbows and roses' theory mayor.

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mike haag is putting local racing out to all other sports fanatics such as 'stick and ball folks' and not mired in release strictly formated for tx. speed zone. did any one else get local racing stories like mikes in the SA newspaper this year?

not down playing your role or bobbys or chucks or j.m. hallas' efforts but he has his foot in the door to other news outlets and fresh fan faces that local racing needs.


breaking ground may have been wrong , tilling the ground fits.......and he was censored.

we need to get the message out , and we kill the messanger?



come on TQ you know what i meant , you are a messanger.

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It's all about lack of communication? I'm not sure who is receiving or answering what, but everyone just needs to communicate for all of Texas racing in general. Right now he is the only one with a local blog that I know of. I always read MH columns and they are pretty good, but there are some where he never fails to mention the fact that when it the SLM's became USRA, they have struggles to keep car counts high. I guess he is just pointing out a fact, but over and over, just get with TD and get the inside scoop or with drivers and crews who are in the series and write a story about it. Not sure why there was no mention of the ASALM South heading into last weeks race, maybe he was on vacation, or was not notified. As bright as MH is about racing in the general local area, he had to know something. JMO, don't really know what's happening..... :ph34r:

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Thanks horse. Sorry to not have made it up there yesterday, how did you do?



My point for Nick is that his may have been valid statements, but I think it needed to be rephrased. One thing I know probably better than anyone on here is that you cannot control the press, but if you want anything resembling unslanted coverage you better be very diplomatic, and tactful when dealing with them. I also want to point out that all in all, TD, USRA, or SAS whoever you want to call them has done a pretty good job of allowing people to have honest discussion on this board, even when it did not reflect well on them. I think a lot of people need to remember that it takes a big ego to even get in a race car, much less run a track. These egos are going to clash sometimes. Learn to disagree, not be disagreeable.

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Thanks horse. Sorry to not have made it up there yesterday, how did you do?

glad you missed it johnny .............i was embarassing.

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Ok I am getting on that horse again,

#1 remove the requirement to buy sticker tires each race,this is not nextel cup and the purse does not support this.

#2  Get rid of the ABC body rule and go back to set dimensions like in the 80's,how many cars from other states has the ABC rule brought the series?The ones that argue for the ABC rule are the ones that can afford it.There are many cars sitting around because of this and the run my new tires attitude and body or stay at home attitude that is mentioned here.

9 cars for $20 to run 150 laps is not worth it.

#3 Consider 8.5 lb per c.i. rule again and make the crate drivers competitive also.

#4 Stock stub weight break

#5may be time to switch to 500 carb rule,after all the SAS cars have dipped into the 18 sec. range.

#6 if you go to that rule and want to go faster lower the weight some.

#7 weight break for non-coilover cars

#8 NO THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN #1 COMMUNICATE WITH THE OTHER TRACKS AND SERIES AND MERGE,then the car counts could rise to where each track can have a decent count and purse when running this type car.

Somebody better listen to this guy. These are good comments and not even a single response. A lot of this has been done before but not all together. Why not put the best of past ideas together? 8 cars at Oktober Fast and 11 at Stockcar Spec I rest my point!

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nope just , overdriving , lack of talent, or something broke (take ur pick)..............been too pissed to investigate.......................just flat stunk it up and was hoping there weren't too many witnesses

makes me wanna take a page from my heroe's book.

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'Horse, while we have lost both the Statesman and the Express-News (popular opinion not withstanding), mostly due to the efforts, or lack thereof, of the tracks and series; there has been a lot of coverage of racing in the stick-and-ball sections of both newspapers and television.

Most recently, the San Marcos Daily Record ran two advance stories on the Stock Car Spectacular, and Time Warners' News8Austin ran a piece on both the new8 sports on Thursday and the 24-hour sports channel all day Friday.

There will be a race report in the Daily Record, probably on Wednesday.

There have been many tv reports during the season on News8 as well as stories and even interviews on the broadcast channels in Austin, most of which would not have been possible without footage shot by VideoGuy, That Yousling.

In addition, there have been numerous stories in the Wimberley View, Boerne Star, Oak Hill Gazette and others, naturally focusing on their local drivers.

While Hallas, Haag and (obviously) Texas Speed Zone are seen almost exclusively by the existing racing fans, stories in general sports sections are seen by those who might become fans.

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I can't speak for drivers and crews, but most of what the guy said in general makes sense to me as a fan. I am not agreeing in detail because I don't know the specifics but I agree in principal. One thing I don't understand about all these series from Cup down to hobby stocks is why is it that every time they make a rule change they seem to ramp up instead of ramping down. The ABC body is an example. Make it so you can phase things and allow people to use what they have until its time to replace it.

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you are not getting my point..................mike haag did a story for USRA on the premiere class of USRA , and got censored.

nothing that you mentioned has anything to do with why he got censored by the people he was trying to help promote.

this is not about you or hallas or anybody else , not a 'whose done what '. not a 'tarzan call for king of the jungle' in local short track racing media coverage .

plain and simple THE MEDIA TRYING TO PROMOTE the series was censored.



if you had been censored in a simular story we would be talking about TQ , but you weren't so we are not.

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By the way...

Congrats to Rebelracewriter for his award last night...


Good to see someone so hard-working get some much-deserved recognition!



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you are not getting my point..................mike haag did a story for USRA on the premiere class of USRA , and got censored.

Yes, Horse,

That is a shame.

On his own accord, Mike Haag is one of the "good guys" and one* of the hardest-working guys in motorsports..


*Next to SARGE, of course... :D

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mike haag is putting local racing out to all other sports fanatics such as 'stick and ball folks' and not mired in release strictly formated for tx. speed zone. did any one else get local racing stories like mikes in the SA newspaper this year?


'Horse, the stick and ball folks aren't reading Haag's stuff. You have to search for his blog, or get there off of TXSZ. Meanwhile, stories are being done in multiple media and could be done in just about all of the local papers and on tv sports.


He shouldn't be censored? I agree that I probably wouldn't have done it, but having freedom of speech and freedom of the press doesn't mean you have the right to have everything you say or write published. It just means the government can't do it.


On the other hand, he might have tried to get a comment from USRA...

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Last Friday, I emailed Nick, Terry and Rick a list of questions regarding the future of the USRA Super Late Model Series. I gave them the opportunity to answer the questions in writing so that no one would be misquoted. I was more than willing to run a follow-up story on Friday to set the record straight about the future of the USRA Super Late Model Series. As of Sunday night, neither Nick, Terry or Rick have responded or answered the questions that I sent to them.


Mike Haag

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Last Friday, I emailed Nick, Terry and Rick a list of questions regarding the future of the USRA Super Late Model Series. I gave them the opportunity to answer the questions in writing so that no one would be misquoted. I was more than willing to run a follow-up story on Friday to set the record straight about the future of the USRA Super Late Model Series. As of Sunday night, neither Nick, Terry or Rick have responded or answered the questions that I sent to them.


Mike Haag

Terry is working on those questions, Mike. He said that sometime Monday he will get the written responses to you for inclusion in your blog.


You have to keep in mind that Friday before a major USRA race with all three classes running that evening and the next day did not give Terry much of a chance to respond. Especially if you have ever seen TD trying to work a computer. LOL..


Actually, all Terry wants is a phone call before you write articles about his series so that you have the facts from his perspective. But he will honor your request for a written response anyway.



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