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Yes I have a problem as a fan and as friend/relatiave of drivers at STS what does it take to have a caution flag thrown?? SOMEONE TO DIE? I have been watching and almost crapped in my pants because someone has spun out in a turn and I sit and wait and wait and wait for a caution to be thrown Im sure the poor driver is there doing the same !

I understand not all mishaps warrant a caution especally when a driver is intentionally setting there waiting for one to be thrown and I respect that,however I would surely hate for a friend or loved one to be seriously injured or even die because a caution was not thrown. On another note after restarts let the cars group back up in a tight pack before the green is thrown. I have seen circumstanceswhere 4 or 5 cars are a full straightaway behind and the green flag falls on a restart! anyway JUST MY OPENION!


What are you drivers input on this?? BHC :ph34r:

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This is a very touchy subject and i agree with all three of you,but a driver playing opussum while in harms way is very dangerous for him and other drivers.Its hard for the STS crew to determine a dead car and when to throw the caution.As Nesloney said,it IS up to the drivers!I would hate to be the one that make these calls.But in all fairness,i think STS is trying pretty hard to do the right thing.Every week i have seen an improvement.As long as we could voice our opinions on this site,i am sure STS will make good judgements calls and heed the good and crap the bad!!Keep it up STS(thats what she said) FRED

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I have not seen a problem with cars sitting on the track and cautions not being thrown. I did see this weekend, a car spin in 3 and 4, he was clearly out of harms way, then pulled his nose up beyond the tires to try and draw a caution. All the cars were up in the groove and no where near the spun car. The spun car sat there for two or three laps, then entered the track going the opposite direction, went back into the infield and then spun again trying to get back on the track. This guy was clearly trying to draw an intentional caution and it didn't work. STS will not let a driver sit in harms way. If there is any doubt, a caution will be thrown.

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That is how it currently is Ford Truck man, at STS if you bring out 2 cautions in the feature you will receive the black flag and your night is over. On top of that I keep track of how many cautions each drivers causes, once you get to 7 in a 5 race period you only get 1 caution then the black flag after that.



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Thats the way I see it BHC

I spun out two weeks ago, and I would have loved a caution, but I'm not the type that will draw one.

I did everything I could to keep that sucker running, and get the heck out of harms way.





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I personally like Owens new approach for the black flag,(call the wrecker!)Thats the easiest and most efficient method to rid ill-practiced drivers! I applaud yalls efforts! Each week i see an improvement. Next ,lets work on concession or lack there of.I know its a timely effort,but just trying to contribute what costly or crappy advice i could give. I cant wait till saturday! FRED

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The things I've seen these guys through in the past, Owen is doing the right thing. I don't think he should give them 7, maybe 5 at the MAX. Don't let these worms get away with that crap. Keeping track of the results in the desert is kind of hard with updates only once aq week. These forums keep us die hards in the desert frothing from news like this. Keep it up Owen your doing a kick ass job and people in general like what you do.

Dennis in the Desert (Defending Freedom)

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The things I've seen these guys through in the past, Owen is doing the right thing. I don't think he should give them 7, maybe 5 at the MAX. Don't let these worms get away with that crap. Keeping track of the results in the desert is kind of hard with updates only once aq week. These forums keep us die hards in the desert frothing from news like this. Keep it up Owen your doing a kick ass job and people in general like what you do.

Dennis in the Desert (Defending Freedom)

God bless you and good luck over there .bring it home.

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