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Refund Check

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The only reason any of you got your money is because of what was posted on this site. If it wouldn't have been out in the open you would have been %$#@ out of luck. You need to thank Nick for not deleting your posts that have to do with that subject.

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well if thats the case then it worked in the drivers favor .and those who put money. thanks nick holt .for not burning those post on the matter . but you guys needed your money back glad to see it happen . and also all the post on this matter were perty clean .i thought. :) but thats just mine .

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Im glad the refunds are comming but I dont think the forums had anything to do with it.I have raced for promoters that will screw people and nothing anyone says will change their mind.I cant speak for anyone else but Doc never did anything harmful to me,in fact his money was the best I ever got to run for.He paid Thunders 300$ to win when we had 20 or more cars and did pay it.He paid way too much for the special late model race that had 7 cars and did pay it.He paid 500$ to the dirt mods that brought 7 cars.In fact,he was the one that got screwed many times.Now that hes gone,everyone that thinks things are be better without him can find out.All I can say is I made more money racing for him than any other time.I see what other tracks pay,like in Dallas,75$ to win.RGS pays 50$ to win.STS has a good feature purse but no heat money.Gator runs minis once a month.When I started in 1969 only the winner got paid and that was 5$.Harold Harris always won and used the 5$ to buy a case of beer for everybody at the ice house we stopped at on the way home.The last nite of Almeda Speedways life,the promoter,Cowboy Johnson,ran off with the nites purse and all the point money for the year and nobody got paid including the employees.I would like to say Thanks Doc for giving me a place to play for a couple of years and a good purse also.Im sorry so many people turned on you but thats the nature of the beast.For that,I am ashamed.I hope you will race with us when you can. G.B.

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gb i dont think it as much turnning on doc the way you say it for the most part .but the lack of doc not coming out saying anything .when you put people in that spot they get mad .say things they dont say offten .people are more forgiving .than they think .just dont make it hard to find you.meet with people .i.m sure alot of it was more about not hearing from doc than the money.i

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