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A curiosity - Not racing related


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Here is a view of a track of land about the size of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

This tract is located about 5 miles north of Smithville, off Highway 71, east of Austin.

Looks like someone has way more money than they know what to do with. The name, as you will see is "Luecke". Anybody know the story behind this? This view is from an altitude of approximately 10 miles (50,000 ft plus)


Edited by Budman
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its a shame that congress will let law breakers get away with cheeting our people,our gov.,our way of having pride of what you do for a living.we have vets that have fought for this country,given life and lims so that the illegals can take there job that they lost for a cheaper wages.how about all of the plants that went over there be cause of cheaper labor that did nothing but make the owners,board members richer. all of the jobs we lost that went down there should have doubled there work force. so are the ones that are coming here the dumb ones?? are the youngmen regestering for the draft.we have men and women dieing in iraq for there freedom. we need some help here with mexico pres. foxx god be with the minute-men. remember we are all from somewhere else but it was done the right way.and the protesters must want these ignorant illegal aliens to work for slave labor wages.remember they are putting nothing into the free services are receiveing please write or call your rep. or senater.

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