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Opening night at HMP

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March 18th, 9:00 am the gates opened at HMP for opening day, with it less than ideal weather conditions for racing for the night. The baker’s persevered through numerous rain delays to get in the majority of the show before calling it a night after the TSRS race.


Good and bad points of the night in my opinion. Let’s start with the good;


1. I give the baker’s a lot of credit for not calling the show with such a high probability of rain.

2. Given the weather conditions there was a fairly good turnout of fans.

3. The pits were full of cars.

4. The legend cars 1st and 2nd place put on a good show.

5. The allison legacy cars put on the best show of the night.

6. Once the Hobby stocks have a bigger field they should be the exciting show.

7. The TSRS cars didn’t crash on the first lap (that’s a compliment, not an insult) and the race for 3rd-8th was bumper to bumper.

8. Every loaded their cars up at the end of the night with the fenders still on their cars.


With the good also comes the bad;


1. With the treat of rain through the night the show in my opinion could have been completed with a few minor changes, the legacy race could have been shortened to 40 laps along with the hobby and sportsmen late models to 25 laps. Driver’s introduction was cancelled, but still took about ten minutes to line the cars up and get them on the track. Also, the TSRS race victory ceremony should have been postponed and done after all the races were complete.

2. As for the races, if last week at S.A.S it was the Casey Smith show, this week was the Chris Schild show. Started on the pole, lapped his first car eight laps into the event. The first caution was around the halfway point, by then Chris Schild had about a quarter of a lap lead on second place and a half a lap lead on third. On the first restart the lapped cars were battling with the second place Ian Webster holding him up, your a lap down get out of the way.

3. TSRS 15 cars allison legacy 10-12 cars, the rest of the divisions had 6 - 8 cars in them.

4. The Baker’s should have made an attempt to dry the track one last time before calling the races, since it appeared that since the TSRS race was complete that it wasn’t as important to get the rest of the race in. Throwing the remaining racers under the bus, eaving the sportsman modifieds and pro late models all wet after thirteen hours. Which turned out to be the right call, since after a short break in the rain the sky’s opened back up.


All in all, I think it was a success, my applause to all the winners and fans who stayed through the rain delay. :D

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I am not quite understanding why the "Casey Smith Show" & "The Chris Schilds show" is in the bad part and not the good!?I might have read into it a little much, but to me nor Casey or Chris is going to slow down just so he can have competion why would you do that? I understand its not as exciting for the fans unless that is your driver but you do have those other 14-20 cars behind you racing trying to catch up. I do agree with the lapped cars segment thats always been a big deal but still not a bad thing to have The Casey Smith or Chris Schilds or anyone else for that matter show! Wouldn't you love to see your driver dominating the field like that?

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I have to agree with you about last night at HMP. I really like the Baker's alot so I am not bashing them in any way here. I raced a 350 Late Model last year at HMP. When all of the changes with the Late Models came up, I was very excited to move up to the 400 hp class because of the promise of a new and professional series to promote. I understood that the Pro Late Model class was going to be the tracks new "spotlight" class. We spent a TON of money building a brand new race car to compete in this series. In order to afford this car, we had to get sponsors. Showing our loyalty to the track, we decided to run at HMP for their opening night. Some of the other Pro Late Models went to other events (which I certainly understand why).


It rained off and on throughout the evening, and each time they made an effort to dry the track and get back to racing. You are exactly correct, after the TSRS got their race in, the next rain (pretty hard) that came down, the track just went straight to shutting down and putting up. Within 15 minutes of the rain coming, the lights were out. I like the TSRS, but they are not the local guys. We are trying to help HMP start a new series, and then TSRS get the spotlight on opening night at HMP. Your opinions about how to shorten the night are all very valid in my opinion. Had they been followed, everyone would have been able to race and have a good time.


I don't want to sound unappreciative of all of the opportunities that we receive from the facilities to race, but my company spent a lot of money at the gate getting our customers and employees in to watch us race. My sponsor and his young family were in the pits with us waiting all evening until 10 pm to see their car race. In the end, none of them even heard the engine start! I know it is tough to keep working the track into the night, but they drag race here until the wee hours of the morning when necessary.


I feel bad for the Modifieds also. They have put up extra money to run a series at HMP. I know it is not on purpose, but the two new series' that HMP wanted to hang their hat on for the future got shunned on the first night of racing. My company paid for around 50 of the people that were at this night's event. It seemed a little unappreciated when they did not even tell us what was going on until the lights were turned out on the track!


I really do understand that the rain made a mess of things, and noone can control that. I think the main reason for my disgust is your point that as soon as the TSRS was through with their show, it was as if the two new HMP series meant nothing. We will never be able to grow these two series' if we continue to treat them like this. I guess we will just have to keep working on things together and go get 'em next time.

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I am not quite understanding why the "Casey Smith Show" & "The Chris Schilds show" is in the bad part and not the good!?I might have read into it a little much, but to me nor Casey or Chris is going to slow down just so he can have competion why would you do that? I understand its not as exciting for the fans unless that is your driver but you do have those other 14-20 cars behind you racing trying to catch up. I do agree with the lapped cars segment thats always been a big deal but still not a bad thing to have The Casey Smith or Chris Schilds or anyone else for that matter show! Wouldn't you love to see your driver dominating the field like that?

It was in the bad part, because starting the fast car on the pole doesn’t promote racing. It promotes qualifying, which is cubic dollars, NOT RACING. I can’t comment about the S.A.S race, since I didn’t see it, but the HMP TSRS race the leader even with a quarter of a track lead would not pass a lapped car on the outside. That’s a HUGE PROBLEM, no one will run the outside and that’s a BAD thing.


Your also right about the race not being exciting for the fans, which is a hot topic on this site or lack of fans. A lot of people blame the promoters about the stands being empty, but without a good show the new fans will come once and leave with the feeling that their entertainment dollars are better spent elsewhere. THE PROMOTERS JOB IS TO GET THE PEOPLE AND THE DRIVERS JOB IS TO PUT ON AN EXCITING SHOW! Two halves equal a whole, both sides need to give 100%.


Regarding the driver being out front, I’m lucky in the sense I have won races in my life, but the best race I ever drove I didn’t win. I came in 3rd in a car that should have finish around 9th, that’s the one I’m proud of, as far as the wins it was as much car as it was me. Coming through the pack and racing for the win, is more fulfilling than running away and hiding with a flag to flag victory. JMO :D

Edited by CommonSenseRacing
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So we should penalize a driver that has done his/her homework and can get everything they can out of the car. I have alot of homework to do, that was my first LM race and the second time I have set in a LM, BUT I dont feel they should penalize the fastest car because I dont have the seat time or the knowledge like the #7 car. Thats competition, trying to catch the top dog, not giving me an advantage or the show being how fast the top car can get thru the field.

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So we should penalize a driver that has done his/her homework and can get everything they can out of the car. I have alot of homework to do, that was my first LM race and the second time I have set in a LM, BUT I dont feel they should penalize the fastest car because I dont have the seat time or the knowledge like the #7 car. Thats competition, trying to catch the top dog, not giving me an advantage or the show being how fast the top car can get thru the field.

Yes, it should be about the fast cars coming through the field, THAT'S RACING! If that is not the objective, why race just qualify and give the trophy to the fastest qualifier.


In no way did I say anything to take away from the #7's victory, but if that's the kind of show you want to put on don't expect the fan count to go up anytime soon.

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like it or not what he says is true..........not to take anything away from any of the guys who did their homework, but if every race is a run away and hide race, there will be nobody in the stands to watch it........look at how boring it is to watch the nascar races from las vegas and california, those races are the same way a run away and hide race and there is no excitement in watching a driver run away and lap the entire field.........jmo

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So what your saying its a given the fastest qualifier is going to win..... So we should structure the race where if 75 laps comes before he gets to the front we have a winner or once he gets to the front the race is over..... Thats B/S.

No, that’s not what I said, that’s what you said, “That’s competition, trying to catch the top dog, not giving me an advantage or the show being how fast the top car can get thru the field”. This is what I said, “Yes, it should be about the fast cars coming through the field, THAT'S RACING! If that is not the objective, why race just qualify and give the trophy to the fastest qualifier”. If the racer can come through the field in 75 laps (which by the way is plenty of time to go from 15th to 1st), he deserves the win. If he does it every race, it’s time for him to move up to the next class. :D

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Maybe Im just looking at it as a racer, I dont want anything handed to me. I want the fast car out front and I want to try and chase him down............. We learned alot about the cars last night(little adjustments, make big changes unlike the trucks).

I take it you were in the black 22, very sharp looking car. I understand your point, but racing is about passing not qualifying, they are even looking to completely revamp CUP CARS to improve the racing. As a former racer, I understand how important winning is, but just like in life the journey is as important if not more important.


Here’s is my question to you, what’s more satisfying as a driver winning from the pole or

winning after coming through the pack?


One last thing, starting in the back of the pack, you might not win as often, but it will make you a better racer in the long run. Again, I’m not looking to insult anybody, but I remember reading the post regarding the SNOWBALL Derby and the Texas drivers not fairing very well. I believe it’s because they don’t get enough side by side racing. You can become a great driver, but being a great racer is a completely different story.



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Questions and comments from a fan.


1. Best looking field of TSRS cars I have seen. All looked very nice.

2. Has Pollard quit TSRS? I always pulled for him.

3. I only saw a few passes all night in all of the races. That really is boring racing for most fans.

4. I really hope they get more of the hobby stocks. In my opinion, they are more interesting than the crate motor classes.

5. Mick (Anderson's?) microphone was echoing like crazy. I'm sure they'll get it fixed.

6. Was happy to see them move the TSRS race up so they could get it in.

7. The rain that started after the TSRS race was alot harder than the previous showers in the evening. I was pretty wet by the time I made it to the parking lot. Never even got damp with all with the other showers.

8. I missed qualifying. How many of the 400hp LM's were there to race? What kind of times were they running?




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CSR, your right its not about quailifying it about the race. I have qualified bad but have pasted the faster qualifiers in a race. I felt like last night with the cooler weather the tires stayed with the car and didnt go away like they might have if it were hot, that could have slowed the fast qualifiers down during the race and made the mid pack cars come in. I was chasing the rear all night, it was loose from start to finish, I couldnt roll into the gas like I needed too.


Winning either way has its own emotions............... I guess it will always have its pros and cons for satisfaction for everyone invloved(racers, fans, tracks, promoters, etc). I just feel(hope) we can get alot faster and not need an advantage to run up front.


Yes that was my car, thanks......

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For everyone's information the top 6 drivers (fast qualifiers) in TSRS drew for starting postion. Also I was on the front straight when the rain came down after the TSRS race and the fans were pretty much running for cover. I was looking forward to the last two races but that last shower was a soaker. Mickey

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90% of the people complained about a complete invert and now we say its boring to have the fastest quailfier start pole? Mickey is right they do draw or whatever for top six positions, Chris just got lucky if he drew #1 spot same in SA Casey drew for position I think started outside 1st row but what can you do. Maybe someone can catch the guy next time? I still don't think its a bad thing.

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Just a comment on qualifying versus racing. Back in the day(LMAO) when I raced(1/4 mile high-banked paved track in South Bend) we qualified for starting spots in the heats(3-5 in our class-Street Stock and 2-3 in Late Models). You had finish in the top "X" of you heat to make the feature. In the feature the fastest 16(yep 16!) qualifiers ALWAYS were inverted----EVERY NIGHT. Just after halfway the hot dogs had usually made their way into the top five(25 lap Street/40 lap Late Model features) OK, now everyone will start screaming about a crashfest. But very SELDOM did they turn into a crashfest because the fast cars started in the rear.


Now someone will bring up sandbagging-----the top two were timed in heats/B's/features. If you ran more two laps in a row over your qualifying time by(a number that escapes me) you were black flagged. So that eliminated 95% of sandbagging, the otherr 5% found their way to the trailer.


So I guess the question is WHY can't this happen today?

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Well, I had to leave immediately after the Hobby Stock feature, I loaded up and headed to Gator Motorplex in Willis to close my photo booth down, so I didn't see the races after intermission. I do know we got rained out during the last feature over there. I was surprised that we even raced at either tracks.


I do want to thank the Bakers for letting us start this Hobby Stock class, there were 3 cars missing that were not ready yet that should be at the next race. The 1C car from Kyle came to race with us, but had his Street Stock Motor and definately out powered us, but we do enjoy racing with him, I hope he decides to get a smaller motor and come every week. My 07 car had an oil leak causing lots of smoke, but I never thought I would run so close to the front in my second race. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed talking with everyone out there. Next time I will be able to stay for the whole race, but my replacement at the dirt track had never taken pictures with my equipment before so I had to go make sure everything was OK.


As I ramble on, I just want to say thanks to everyone, especially the Huff's for helping me out every week, and the Bakers for giving us such a great facility to race at. We have several more cars being built to come race and I predict 15 cars by June.


Arthur Hermiz


07 Hobby Stock

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So I guess the question is WHY can't this happen today?

I think it can Reb. We invert the entire field by points every week in the local classes at THR. SAS races with a pretty significant invert also. Although crashes do happen, most nights are filled with pretty exciting side-by-side action in the SS class as the faster cars try to work their way to the front.


The only difference is that we don't qualify for our heat race positions (I wish we did.) They also are inverted by points average.


Just because the one full field invert that TSRS tried was a mess, that doesn't mean they all would be.


The odd thing is that I used to use the same arguments being expressed by Shane (22). We get tired of starting at the back each week too - it makes you feel penalized for working hard and being fast. However, I now feel like putting on a good show is the main objective. It's what we all have to do if we are going to attract more fans...and attracting more fans is what it's all about right now.

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On the invert question, why not just invert the first 4 or 5 rows. Then you have the fast car starting 8th or 10th, and not at the very back with the GREEN(rookie) racers. I think our Hobby Stock class is going to be doing an invert by points, but only 4 rows. Not a compete invert. I don't know how our race went, but it being my second race, I didn't want to try to pass hi, which I think I could have done, because I didn't have my mirror installed and didn't know it I could get back in line without hitting someone if it didn't work.

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90% of the people complained about a complete invert and now we say its boring to have the fastest quailfier start pole? Mickey is right they do draw or whatever for top six positions, Chris just got lucky if he drew #1 spot same in SA Casey drew for position I think started outside 1st row but what can you do. Maybe someone can catch the guy next time? I still don't think its a bad thing.

Going from one extreme to the other is not the answer, Qualifying by fastest order with the fastest guy on the pole, top 10 picking their starting order from a hat and full field inversions.


Qualifying by fastest order with the fastest guy on the pole, boring for race fans, very little side by side racing.


Top 10 picking their starting order from a hat, to much luck involved, TSRS race perfect example.


Full field inversions, fast drivers need A LOT OF PATIENCE and it’s not realistic to have someone start on the pole with one or two races under has/her belt.


Full field is fine with 6-10 cars, but once you have 16 - 22 cars you need a partial inversion, either based off the top 12 times or top 12 in points. Another option is base it off of the last three races using a handicapping system to mix things up. Everyone else starts in the back and if you have no history in the class the first 3 races you start at the rear.


With the touring series invert the order from the fastest guy, back to the car that is six tenth’s of a second slower, whatever number that may be. This way the cars upfront are fast enough to not be in the way. This also gives the guys who are fast, but not that fast a better shot at winning. That should make for much better racing!



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If you knocked the fastest qualifier back 6 tenths, he would of started 12th out of a field of 15. Im sure he could have gotten around several cars but do you think with a 3000lb+ car you can pass cars on the outside that are 2-4 tenths slower than you at hmp? Im not saying it cant be done, but I have never seen it at HMP.........

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