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update on Kevin Suberg


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Back in Jan we a MRI to see where we are at. Was good and bad points in it. So we stayed on our chemo regment he was taking. Well things started to go wrong with side effects from the meds so we stopped them and looked at another option. Well then Kevin started to have Sezures. They where getting out of control. So we started him on meds for that. Well then again in Feb I said lets give him another MRI to see what was making the sezures come on. Well we had the MRI. And our good news in Jan was not good in Feb. the front lob tumor started to grow. And the coatting on his spine was bad. So after long talks with the Dr and with each other. No more Chemo for Kevin his little body has had it. Time to make him comfortable. So that is what we are doing. He is under hospice now. But then again this weekend. Kevin and his writing his own book. Well Kev back/right side has been giving him some pain. So on Friday we took him to get a x-ray. They found something that looked strange. So it was off to get a CT done to see what it was. It is some small calcified item about 8mm in size round the large intestine. Also found a small irritation of the small intestine. So over the weekend we are rehydrating Kevin by IV to see if that will help. So far so good. Also giving him morphene and tylenol for the pain. But has started to feel a little better eatting some. We will see how this weekend goes to see what is next.


If you would like get updates on Kev and you have not seen one on here please check out his site: that is updated every week if not twice aweek depending on if something comes up.


He hopes to come out to the track this coming Saturday but just deepends on how is he feeling. He sleeps so much now a days he will sleep though most of the race.


He does wish everyone luck for this upcoming race year.



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Kev just hated missing this past weekend race starter. But we plan on bring him out this coming weekend the 18th. He did have me read the recaps for him and he said "sounds like they had a great run".


Well have to listen to most of the race. His eyes are not working well these days. Other then that he is holding his own. Still tires fast too. So might not be able to stay for all race but might come late to be able to see his drivers race as he likes to call all the drivers his.


Until then.



Richard, Dorothy Suberg prode parents to Kevin


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