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Return of the Max and Bernie Show


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I would go if that weekend was open for me. I love all forms of racing and F1 just happens to be the premier series in the WORLD.


May 13th Champ Car will be in Houston! I can't wait for that!! Will be there the whole weekend. If anyone wants to come see how to take a series that went bankrupt to now a series that in 07 will EXPLODE (new car) with progress check out the champcar series. They are doing things right.

Edited by Jason
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Please give them my fondest regards! Hope they put on one heck of an extravangza for the fans. Y'all deserve it!



Jason, I can only agree with you to a point. Formula 1 is the premier open-wheel road course series in the world, period! They have the best drivers, cars and teams in open-wheel road course racing. Can't say much for their organization though. Can't say I have much respect for people who take your money, then fail to deliver the product promised, then take a leisurely 3 1/2 months to refund the fans their money. Coulda and shoulda been done much, much quicker than that! Three weeks, tops! All that pretty much demonstrated to me what I already suspected. In Formula 1, fans are regarded as a race day nuisance that must be tolerated.


In addition, the F1 car count is mediocre on a good day.

Edited by Budman
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You can go to all of the races at THR for what your going to spend on a ticket at the F-1 race. But I admit that when one of the drivers said that the car stops so hard that it takes the tears out of his eyes and slams them on his visor that got my attention.That and 20,000 RPM wonder if its a crate motor.

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The Ferri's were one two, Schumacher ahead of Massa. Don't remember who was in thrid.


American Scott Speed was taken out on the first corner of the first lap. Nothing he did wrong, just wrong place and time.


So... what did I win?


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Watches everything with four wheels making a turn!

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It was the best race I have seen in years. Yea, NASCAR offers a closer finish, but if thats all that matters I would go watch the bull frog races in Louisiana. They have close finishes to! My friend Jarno Trulli did very well starting from pit lane.

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but if thats all that matters I would go watch the bull frog races in Louisiana.


I can't imagine how you got to liking frog races.....


Have something to do with that coon-a$$ we know as Ms. Bandit??!!

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