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:rolleyes: As one of the drivers in this series I would like to thank Nell, Ed, Roxie, H O, and Raymond for having us back to race at the track for the upcoming season. We enjoy racing here where the crowd is great and really supports us at our home town track. For our fans there is a schedule for us and I am sure that the track will post it on their website. I will do everything I can to support the track and racing in this area. I appreciate the generosity and respect we have received from the track. :D THE BULL
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:blink: Antics!!!!!!!Why, I am surprised at you REB. I'm the most straightlaced person you will ever meet. I ain't nuthin like "DA HAMMA" now thats some ant- ticks for you. I'm the only one in our series that takes the whole deal seriously. By the way I just went to barber college and got some training and a piece of paper, not just some degree. And another thing my sombrero turned up missing, you know the niece dressy one that I wear at the track. You wouldn't know anything about that would you? Seems that there has been some finger pointing towards Boerne, and I know how much you admired it, especially the built in goggles!!!! See you at the track. THE BULL :rolleyes:
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