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Truck Rules?

Neal Rogers

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Truck Rules??????? Anyone??????? We have 6 1/2 weeks till the first race of the season and tire rules are the only rules that have been announced. I for one do not want to have to scramble a week before the season starts.


Neal Rogers

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well i have nothing at stake in this series except for a few friends that compete in it. when the first race rolls around and they only have a few trucks there. the question will be where are all the trucks at. i hope i am wrong this is a great series. on the other hand if you are planning major changes for a series (like the trucks) dont you think you have some idea what the changes are going to be before you say there are going to be changes.

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Neal, I for one will not scramble a week before the race, I just won't go. I'll get in touch w/ ya and we'll go fishing or something. :lol:


Seriously though, I love the truck series and our numbers were finally increasing again though last season. I just hate to think we'll have less than 10 trucks @ some events in 2006 , but it is very possible. I can almost bet that most truck drivers & teams aren't "feeling the love" right now. I kinda feel put out to pasture myself. Why fix something that isn't broke right?

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never cared for fishing , unless it is "alabama style". i just wanna race. i apprecciate the offer though , but do you know how hard it is to get TNT now with all the homeland security stuff going on.

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Well, yea I see your point in getting the TNT. If we can't find that we can always borrow an old WWII crank phone my buddy has. You put the leads in the water, start crankin' and blamo! Insta-fish. You can add weight & extra "line" to it to reach the really deep spots. :lol: Sounds crazy, but I've seen it work!

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Hey, forget the TNT, i have flash-bangs. They will rattle window and set off car alarms for blocks and they put off a great flash to blind the fish. Also can try the old electric fence wires in the water, its a little more silent. I believe this is the method preffered in Arkansas.

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I got a place back on weiss lake in alabama we can just sit in the boat and drink and ride along the banks and a buddy of mine there will use his cane pole to poke around and find catfish and when he does,he just jumps in and disappears under water for a few minutes and will come up and throw it in the boat.He's as we say"a few french fries short of a happy meal",but man he can find the catfish and won't quit till he gets it in the boat and he's thrown some in the boat that damn near made me jump out of the boat that were so big.

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Ive seen that done on the outdoor channel, it has a name, but i forgot what it is. Its amazing to see the size of the catfish that are caught. I heard that female catfish are protective over their nest. So if you put you hand close enough they will latch on to your hand and the fight is on.

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i have raced with the trucks for 5 years , every year its like this.

it's alright , it dosen't matter anymore. i guess we're going fishing. fishing with these guys, it sounds like i'll still need helmet, fire suit, cage and a hans.

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i have raced with the trucks for 5 years ,  every year its like this.

it's alright , it dosen't matter anymore. i guess we're going fishing. fishing with these guys, it sounds like i'll still need helmet, fire suit, cage and a hans.

And a good lawyer! :lol:

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ok hers the deal the trucks have never seemed to be a priority. the only place were the fans seemed to cheer for us was ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. also i don't think running the trucks and the modifieds the same night is cool. its going to make us the 09 team have to travel twice as much. thats what we will have to do, so we will have double the diesel and other stuff. both the truck and late model will be designed the same be in the same trailer with the same crew you count how many times. its not like we do this for the money but the purse probely wont go up and the fuel and stuff ain't gonna get any cheaper. do misunderstand this i love the truck and late model but this makes this alot harder. just my opinion

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09x - I definately see your point. There are a few teams w/ both a truck and a super latemodel. The change will be a strain on the racing budgets for sure. We'll also be racing in front of smaller crowds since we won't be w/ the super latemodels anymore. My sponsors liked the setup last season which equaled a lot more exposure due to the bigger crowds the super lates bring in.


My question is...... are you comming fishing w/ us? :lol:

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