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They did that one or two seasons, with the hobby class cars. Besides Pat I think maybe Donnie Davis was another, and Billy Constable is another name that stands out. They installed full seats and belts in the passenger side. Not sure why they stopped it; maybe insurance?


Do you remember the night one of them hit the fence and turned over on the front stretch? Neither the driver (Can't remember which one) or the passenger got hurt, but can you imagine the smell in that seat?

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I think I do remember that night..... didnt the car with the rolling stones lips and toungue turn over. It was so long ago, but yet sometimes it seems just like yesterday. As a member of the Oatman family I grew up at Pan American and this web sight has sure reminded me of the times I spent out there.

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I saw a picture of one of Harold's Camaros this last weekend; and it is part of a group of photos that I'm fixing to be able to copy.

If you have any pictures you can share, there are a lot of folks on this board that would like to see them.

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I remember Speed O rama did that in the C.A.R.A days, matter of fact I think in 1983 Stock Car Racing magazine did a profile about the track and in detail about those weekly drawings. I remember a picture of Larry Houston(sp) crusing the winner around. Those were in super stocks too!!! Insurance would jump @ that idea these days!!

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  • 1 year later...

The first year, Super Stocks were used for the "Fan Race." Hobby Stock cars were used from the second season on. Frank Torres was another Hobby Stock racer that ran in these races. I think I have a photo of Frank and a passenger somewhere; I will post it if I can find it.

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