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Have some type of driving experience for them. The young uns' could make a lap around the track in some sort of go kart contraption and then have a Legacy car for the mid young and a bomber for the older young. Expensive but might hook em for life. How much jack does the JRA have saved up??

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A kiddy playground,a game room with pool,live music,BMX track,skateboard track,kart racing,and eventually Thunder Car racing.All tracks need to entertain young people and not just making them watch us race.My kids grew up around racing and dont like going to the racetrack.I use it as punishment now.I tell them if they dont mind,they have to go with me.Think like a kid or better yet,ask them what they want.Booredome is the greatest turn off.JMO. Thumper

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Every track we go to that has a PLAYGROUND area keeps my kids happy, my wife off my azz, she's able to watch the races and the kids. She's happy. And everybody knows that if MOMMA ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy.

McCallen has a playground, I-37 had a place they could play and picnic tables for the adults. Kids hated to go to CCMS or SAS. JMO.

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When I was a teenager CCMS had a game room, it had a playground, and it had a gocart track. You could ride the gocarts for 5 bucks or something. CCMS even had a beer garden with live music for the adults after the races. It also had a motorcross track and mud drags. I remember that I often missed my dads feature race because I was having so much fun! Sorry dad. I don't know what happend to all that stuff, but it sure was cool. And what happend to the foot races for 5 bucks to win? I remember Longhorn Speedway having bicycle races, that was cool. Happy kids are happy parents. Parents want to see races, kids want to play. The over all goal is entertainment. Gocarts, a petting zoo maybe? Bummper cars? For sure a playground and video game room. Neon Will

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I don't know what all abrungot guys are doing with JRA but my gosh, it sounds like they've got the right idea with whatever it is they are doing. I think you two should goto every track, seek out a volunteer and train them to do what your doing. Make JRA a state wide thing at all the tracks. With the connections that Terry D has at TMS seems like they're could be some integration there as well. I saw a picture of JRA doing an honoray starter program. I think everything that JRA is a huge step in the right direction in getting kids involved.

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Ok.. all the video game junkies came out huh... jk... Some kind of video games is a good suggestion... Its important for kids and families to pass around a good word about a race track...


I just want to redirect the discussion a tad bit... I want youth to become "involved" at the race track. I am not just looking for them to "be there" althought that is just as important.


Examples that i have read so far:


Honoray starter program

Shaddow your fav... Driver

Autograph Sessions



I agree that you have to have choice when you come to the track.. ie.. Mom and Dad want to watch the races.. but Daughter doesn't care... We the video games would be a good alternate... and is not off the table...


Here are things that we did this year:

Jr VIP's

Ride in the pace truck

Walk the field with the checker's during out of car intro

Start a feature race

Ride for 2 laps around the track with one of the Drivers


Help sell things in the Checkered Flag Collectables (Club House)

Kids Bike Races

Watermelon feast

Help hand out fliers

Bowl-a-thon *(Teams, officials, and kids )

Camp out in the infield the night before the races

Hand print Aaron's Race car before its first race



Next year we are going to do several of these things.. but want to expland the list if possible..

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When I take my kids(ages 9-5-3)to the track(SAS home track), the thing they look forward to is the cotton candy, soda, and all the other candies. I try to tell them to watch the racing, explain to them what's going on and they don't seem to be interested. They end up falling to sleep or just keep asking over and over "is this the last race". The part I think they look forward to the most is, if they are awake, when we go into the pits, because they know it's almost time to go home. They do enjoy the demo derbies, boat races, and when they bring the kids down and play some kind of games. At Thunder Hill they have the playground, moonwalks, and other things. They enjoy it there, because they get a chance to go play and they get a bit tired and come back, sit down calmly and relax. At Houston, we usually get there to see the last few races and they end a little earlier, so it's not to bad for them, before things get out of control. At CCS the racing goes by pretty quick, so there's not to much complaining there either. A few times when they've been able to go in and meet drivers, get autographs, take pictures, like the SES at Houston, they have a blast. I'm not to sure if it's just the generation thing, but when I was a kid and the kids that usually surrounded me when we went to SAS(remember only a few races at Pan America), we ran around a bit, up and down the stairs, but did sit down and watch the racing. I was about 5 yrs old when SAS opened and our parents took us all the time. We quit going after the 85' season, I was 13 yrs old, but I remember a lot of the race cars and the racing. I went one time after that when I was 20 and I invited one of my best friends and his family, they had never been there. I remember about 8 late models racing, but they were all spaced out and it sure was boring. Until this day, I still can't get them to come back, I tell them it must have just been a bad night for racing. I know it's a lot more exciting than that, but they still don't believe me. I've been coming here to SAS on a consistent basis since 97', so I missed a lot of good racing before that time. I meet a lot of people, most know about NASCAR, but no nothing about it's roots. I tell them about our tracks and tell them to come out some time. Talk to them about some guys in NASCAR that have raced here before, any thing to try to get them to come out. I just always hope that if and when they come out they enjoy the visit and will come back. That's why I think the racing needs to finish at a decent time(we will occasionally have bad long nights). Also have more things to do, so all the family could have a good time, so all the ideas and suggestions on here should be taken seriously, of course you can't make every one happy, but we can try our best.

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Get the adults to come they will bring the kids

I think he's trying to get kids (truly) involved so that they will grow up wanting to come back.



Aaron, how about partnering up with some of the local high schools and allowing a group of maybe 3 kids sing/perform the National Anthem? If you get an entire band or choir, the parents look at it as "yeah... I gotta take Billy to these stupid races in Kyle to perform this weekend." Whereas if you can get the band/choir director to select 1 - 3 (or whatever) of their best, then parents will probably tell their family "hey, come check out Billy this weekend at Thunder Hill, he's going to be singing (by himself, with 1, 2...) other kids this weekend!!" You maybe could check with local Church Youth Groups as well, but I don't know how late they will want to stay on a Saturday night.

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I have seen allot of good ideas in this thread. I'll throw a few at the wall and see if any sticks. Look at organizations that are successful and try to copy them. 4H and scouts come to mind. JRA sounds like a good start. Have groups that are age specific. Younger kids build models, play racing videos, pinebox or soapbox derbies, watch Days of Thunder, anything that will hold the attention of a younger child. For the older kids, have some "classes". How does an internal combustion engine work, what is stagger, learn to weld, racecar safety, learn to drive etc etc. Some type of reward or recognition like a merit badge or racetrack bucks may keep them working on their projects and coming back. Of course, all of this will take some time and money. Maybe dues for being in the club could offset some of the cost. Just keep it reasonable.

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Your in the ball park of the long term mission of JRA... Rigiht now we are taking baby steps to getting there.

The 05 season provided some great leasons of building this...


One project that we are working too for the 06 season is a "Kids Newspaper" Written by kids for Kids and adults that pretend they are kids.. hehe


Like you mention that $$ and time are what is important... We can only live inside our means with the club.

As far as the time goes.. We are always looking for Adults ie, Parents, Drivers, Team Members to give their time...


So Reb, Sarge, EVEN TQ... anyone want to mentor on how to conduct interviews???

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I don't know what all abrungot guys are doing with JRA but my gosh, it sounds like they've got the right idea with whatever it is they are doing. I think you two should goto every track, seek out a volunteer and train them to do what your doing. Make JRA a state wide thing at all the tracks.


Aaron tried to do this at one of the other tracks, but it was okayed and then shot down. Money was raised for the kids at that track and then shot down, due to not wanting any organization involved in the track that might tell the track manager how to run the track. Also, the track wanted to focus on high school age kids and not the younger ones.


The money that was raised for the kids club will be used on kids at that track in another way and for Baptist Youth Home for Christmas. Baptist Youth Home was chosen since they were supposed to attend a race at that track this past season, but the race got rained out. If anyone has any questions regarding their donations, you may contact me.

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I say, if the Dwarf cars raced at THR every race, the kids will want to come.


Something about these cars really appeal to the kiddos.


After the races are over and we are hanging out in the pits, if a kid comes by and


looks at my car, I put them in it.


I also engage them in conversation. Ya know, just talk to them a while.


Sometimes it is the small things that count.


Make them feel like they are a part of something, not just a forced spectator.


I myself, make every kid who visits me in the pits a member of my race team.


Believe me, I have a huge race team!


That's all for now.


T.D.C.A. #05

Keith Roach

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