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#26 sold

cRt racing

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well i just heard that lalo sold his # 26 pro sedan .i havent got a chance to talk to lalo but i heard it was going to north carolina . something about they dont have to run restrictors.




p.s im not trying to start a fight i was just saying what i had heard like i told tony when i made this post i hadnt even talked to lalo .

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tony i just tryed to call him he was on the other line said he will call me latterz so ill be sure to post it on here where in nc. but i know rico will still be running the pro sedans we are suposed to start building his new car very shortly since he totaled it out during practice at ccms

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ok well i was just informed that lalo didnt have to run a restrictor for the last race . and that the pro sedans has the rules set where he wouldnt have to run one next year for the time . and it isnt a finalized deal yet they have talked price and the guy is suposed to be bringing him the money .

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tony what i understand is the guy used to live in north carolina but lives in texas now but i hear he has no plans to run it in the pro sedans but tony i know there has to be one cause i sold a couple of heads to the labontes for justin's mustang a couple of years back talk to don yocum jr i bet he could give you more details about where they run cause he told bob to call me for the heads

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