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Retirement Announcement


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Just wanted to let everyone know that last night was my last race for full-time racing. My kids are at the age where they are participating in extra curricular activities and, as all of you know, there is alot of time spent behind the racing scene that would keep me away from that. Football games, swim meets, etc...those with kids know the drill. For me to continue something I truly do love would be completely selfish and self-centered and would cost me something more than a trophy or purse...watching my kids grow up. I want to thank everyone for the last 3 years for the help & support while I pursued what I called "My Mid-Life Crisis Hobby". To the Texas Thunder drivers...you all are the best bunch of drivers anybody could race with, even with the drama! A special thanks to GB Carter who let me "tap" into his 35+ years of knowledge and didn't even charge me! I could not have done it without your help. And to the ghetto lords...Todd "animal parts" Evans, BJ "peeled right front" Terry, Will "closet juicer" Robertson, & "Ratty" Carl "Hammertime" gonna miss the "last man standing", the bbq, the "are you feeling froggy?"and every other crazy crap you pulled in the back. I won't; however, miss the hangovers!! And to mom & dad, my #1 fans who I know are sad at my decision but support me 100%. Couldn't have done it without you guys. And last but not least, my wife and kids who NEVER did give me grief when I would have to miss a meet because of racing...ALWAYS gave 100% support to my dream. It's time for me to return the favor.

So, good luck next year and who knows, I might be able to get back in the seat down the road. Again, thanks to all who helped make a dream a reality. And to Todd...."phishy, phishy, phishy..."

Rick "the beer meister" Russell

VW Farm Truck #44

Texas Thunder CCMS

Edited by slysnake
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I retired form racing for same reasons about 15 years ago. I went to lot of foot ball, basket ball and soft ball games watching the kids participate in band and sports. It was tough some nights riding home after a ball game when the daughter didn't have a good game. Great memories and looking back wouldn't wanted to do anything else. Now they are both grown up and they are the racers now. Gee how things change.



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Hey Rick, Sorry to hear your giving up racing !! Don't sell the farm truck then you can still race every now and then. Whats your Dad going to do now? He's a hella of a nice guy...Maybe he can race the truck? I 'll see ya somewhere ,just look for the "BIRD" to be flying. LOL Now I won't get in any trouble at the track, Man I'll miss ya .


See ya

Edited by MadRacing19
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it was good meeting you in cc , hope to see you again. that's a very admiral thing to do..........and i hope your kids know how lucky they are.

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dont forget the one who got you started. good luck with the kids

I KNEW I would leave out thanking someone...Lalo, yes, YOU are the one to blame for getting me hooked back in September of 2002...BTW, I fibbed alittle to you back then when I said I had raced before...unless you count fun trackers & "rat racing" in Alice racing! Thanks for believing my "story" and let me drive your car!


Steve, Mike, David, Shawn, Darren, Sam..well let's see...


-Will miss the white shrimp boots

-Will miss drinking your Bud when I'm out

-Will miss you calming everybody down when out of control

-Will miss your stirring things up on TSZ

-Will miss buying "crap" at the auctions

-Will miss...nah...won't miss a damn thing with you Sam!!! j/k DEFINITELY will miss the ribbing you aways gave me about the "outriggers" & "the plow"


Again, to everyone else...and I know I have missed some more, thanks!


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Well, sorry to see you have retire. Sorry if I bumped you to much the other night. You were pretty rattled after the races. Sorry. Well good luck with your kids. Mpower10


Just the heat of the moment, knowing that was my last race, being told I could get back into position and then not....yada, yada, yada...sorry about my ranting, you drove a hellava race...


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:( Sly,I waited to respond because I dont know what to say.I understand your motives completely but will miss the things you bring to the track.A good humor,patience,determanation and wonderful parents.I know you did not make this decision litely and anyone else I would not believe.Racing does take a lot and does not give back much,but we only get one life and must manage time.Kids are the most important thing in a parents life.I parked my motorcycle when my first was born because I didnt want them to grow up without a Dad.I had used up all my free passes.I did not quit racing because I thought it safe enough.I dont know if that was a right choice.I tried to make time for everything.Their grown now,that time is gone forever.I know your Dad will miss racing too,we had many mechanical conversations.He is very smart.Your Mom had a glow in her eyes watching both her "boys" having a second childhood.And you were a kid in a candy store.You gave all of us something we all need,respect.Your are truly a Thunder Racer.I will miss your team and wish you all the best.Im sure everyone else feels the same. G.B.Carter Texas Thunder 77
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