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News of the Weird


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Just FYI...I saw on yahoo tonight that a glue company orginally based out of Corpus had called in extras for one of their plants tonight...I know it doesn't have anything to do with racing...just thought everyone would like to know...who would have thought a glue company would have had roots in Corpus...

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So, let me take a crack at this one. Did the glue not stick? Or did products glued together with the glue company glue come unglued?

LOL...Something like that, Will...according to the report, the plant received some low grade horses or not the right kind or whatever parts they use and it was not of high quality, inferior, if you would. That in turn required an extra shift to be called in to re-glue the products glued together with the glue company's inferior glue that had indeed come unglued which caused a sticky situation and upper management came unglued :huh:

Of course the competition welcomed the situation... :D

Edited by slysnake
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LOL...Something like that, Will...according to the report, the plant received some low grade horses


Hmmmm, I noticed the horse track near me (Retama) just completed their live racing season.............


and what to do with the ones that seem to always finish 8th.........in a 7 horse race????

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