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THR Stock Car Spectacular


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Often times there is a lot of complaining and criticism posted on this site (or at least it can seem that way) so I just wanted to congratulate the THR team on a job well done.


I personally feel like there were too many classes and too much racing for one night but they kept the show moving along as best they could under those circumstances. While waiting for the TAMS feature I spent the better part of the night sitting in the grandstand watching and listening to the THR frequency on the scanner (something I had not done before). Some of the radio chatter was actually pretty funny (you know who you are) but most of it demonstrated that these folks are well coordinated, know what they are doing and are good at what they do. With that many cars and laps I don’t see how it could have been run any better or done any sooner. In fact, I think they cut a race or two a few laps short if I’m not mistaken. Anyway, kudos to the THR team…

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I totally agree. I know a lot of people were complaining about it being such a long day, but I don't think it could have gone any smoother. Considering all the incidents, timing wise, it was almost like a regular night of racing.


Congrats to all the THR staff and officials on a great night of racing, and a great show!!

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Yes, I must say it was a well run day!! Kuddos to all who made it happen and HOW BOUT THEM STANDS --Man they looked great!


Congrats to all the winners this season and hopefully our luck will run alittle better next year--see yall in 06



The #9 SS team and family!!

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I am not sure how much earlier THR could have started?? 9am the gates opened.. and to get all the practice in and roll right to qualifing was pretty smooth...


I could understand opening the gates at 8 instead of 9 just to give more time before practice started... but other than that don't see what could have been done..


Personally i liked the hour and a half between practice sessions.. it gave time for the car to settle back, and gave us time to eat, think, and correct things in a reasonable amount of time...


It is hard to say 1 person did the most work(alot did)... but man... DAVID M. I now understand how he keeps any kinda weight off... you couldn't catch him still all day!!!! seemed like him a Greg G. had a little how many miles i can walk/ride contest!!


I have seen it form both sides official and Racer now... No complaints!!!! Awesome job!!

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it was a good day but a very long day. i know this was talked about last year after this race but what are the reasons for not starting sooner if there are any. but all in all good show.

Last year we started at about the same time and were done at 12:05. Kathy keeps very good records of such things..


Nick Holt

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Sure does.. i have ton's of respect for what the officials and staff did saturday... Cuzz i did it last year..


Almost called a cab to take me home... could barely press the pedals...


This year i was tired but it was because i was working on race cars for 3 days straight...


It was a hard weekend either way..

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I couldn't believe how well things seemed to have been going, and what's even more impressive is how many races I missed showing up at 9PM! I had no idea when we got ready to leave after the Modified race that it was 1AM.


Not to hijack this thread, but since I haven't seen one on the TSRS race and don't wanna start one just for this...


How classy was that move by Colt James to come flying out of the pits and sideswipe the #81? Is that how they do things over in North Carolina? I was awestruck by it, really.q

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WOW I don't remember that to good but of course I wasn't in the position to see it either but I don't think Colt would have done that on purpose AT ALL!!! there is no reason to come up and say something like that from what I understand you have to be cleared from the official on the backstretch to come out in the first place right?

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there wasnt a mark on the side of the 57 car? how was there contact? .......but i'm sure he's glad that he could awstruck someone of your stature?

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How classy was that move by Colt James to come flying out of the pits and sideswipe the #81? Is that how they do things over in North Carolina? I was awestruck by it, really.

I saw that deal developing before it happened. The 81 car started losing control around the apex of 1 and 2 at about the same time the 57 was entering the track. I don't know if the 57 car startled him or if he was starting to lose it anyway. I saw no contact between the two cars.


Colt, too bad you had car problems. Looked like you had the fastest car.

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Alright, I'll put this one to bed, since I'm involved with the 81 car.


David was loose off two most of the race, and was chasing it up the new asphalt a bit. When Colt came out, it got crowded, and David wasn't expecting it. He tapped the brakes, and since it was in a bit of a slide, it turned on him. David doesn't have much experience in this car; it was his third start. It also belongs to someone else, so he was being careful with it.

There was no contact between the cars.


Can't be any simpler than that.

Edited by txtom
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