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I also would like to congratulate Will for winning the championship.I know he will make a great champion and represent Thunder cars well Also I want to congratulate Tim for rookie of the year honors.Are we looking at next years champion?I also want to congratulate all the Texas Thunder Cars for a really successful year with always a good car count and usually as good a show as any class.Where do we go from here?We build on what we have and shoot for a 35 or more car count so we can have 2 features with very competetive racing in both.I see a lot of really good and up and comming drivers who make Thunder Car Racing become the premier class to race in.I want to thank CC Motor Speedway for believeing in us and for the incentive of extra money when we produce 20 or more entries for a feature.I believe the track realizes they are getting the most for their money with Thunder Cars.Imagine how many racers would join in if we had a 400 to win purse.We would see Super Street and Street Stock drivers move up to Thunders as well I think.Anyway,you guys are the best group of racers I have had the pleasure of racing with.Everybody has gotten faster all year.Now could someone please tell me who won Sat and how did the race go?Thanks,G.B. :)

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Wow,a Ford top 3 finish! Congratulations to EJ,Tim and Nelly.Thats 2 of 3 races won by Fords.Looks like Texas Thunder Cars have working rules after all.Lets see,best rules,best car count,best races,no fighting,no quiters.Sounds like the class to run in to me.Good luck on Sat.,remember its 40 laps so be careful.Good chance to test for The Kahonies race for endurance.Wish I could be there,cant be at 2 places at the same time.See you all soon. Thumper :)

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super job this year neon will, talk about the perfect champion. i am proud to be involved in a super class, and have you representing all of us in 2006. i also congradulate timmy mustang 21 on rookie of the year. my reward to him also would be hard charger of the year, this is a tough class to start and go to the front in 1 year, plus you had some big shoes to fill also. great job. glad to have ej back mixing it up, by the way sorry for the love tap sat. night just thought you would be back in it before i got there and i did not want to lose the run i had. its been a fun year and lets keep the flame going.

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