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THR Stock Car Spectacular next for TSRS

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Texas Stock Car Spectacular Next For Texas Super Racing Series


By: Pat Mayberry


This Saturday, October 22, 2005, Thunder Hill Raceway will be the place for race fans to be to catch the best drivers in Texas as they compete for top honors in their respective classes at the 9th Annual Texas Stock car Spectacular. The stars of the Texas Super Racing Series Late Models will be resuming the point chase in a 50 lap feature, the DWIDUDE.COM 50. As an added bonus for the fans, the Thunder Hill Raceway and SAS Late Models are also invited to run in this race. If last years race is an indication of what fans can expect, this open format will continue to give Austin area fans some of the best racing of the year. Series Owner & Director, Mary Ann Naumann said "This is just the beginning of helping Central Texas Racing come together for the Racers and Race Fans" Naumann added "This weekend of racing should be some of the finest all year long, several including our Series are still racing for their 2005 Series Championships!"


The top three teams in the point race look pretty smart for skipping the non point Oktober"Fast" event two weeks ago that saw several teams have their season come to an early end due to damage from the wreck on the front straight-a-way. Currently Chris Schild still is in the top spot with a total of 1288 points after recording his second victory of the season at Houston Motorsports Park on September 10th. Ian Webster is hot on Schild's bumper entering the DWIDUDE.COM 50 only 49 points out of the top spot. Webster is having a career season with the series this year and has been close to victory lane several times. Jeff (JP) Pollard, who took the season opener at THR, is looking to get back to the top spot he held the first portion of the season and trails Schild by only 57 points.


Texas Stock Car Spectacular fans will also see the USRA ARTS Trucks, USRA TAMS Modifieds, USRA Super Late Models, Texas Pro Sedans, Allison Lone Star Legacy's and Texas Dwarf Car, A-Line Auto Parts Street Stocks, THR Hobby Stocks and the NASKART Racing Karts (with some major drafting) will all be in action. Grandstands open at 2:00, qualifying begins @ 3:05 with Racing action following so get there early! For more information on the Texas Super Racing Series please visit their website at www.manracingpromotions.com or visit www.thunderhillraceway.com for complete information on the 9th Annual Texas Stock Car Spectacular.

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The top three teams in the point race look pretty smart for skipping the non point Oktober"Fast" event two weeks ago that saw several teams have their season come to an early end due to damage from the wreck on the front straight-a-way.


so what are you trying to say?


big john

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann
so what are you trying to say?
Big John,

I do not think Pat meant anything personal by it, maybe you need to have another manicure!?! ;)

The top three teams in the point race look pretty smart for skipping the non point Oktober"Fast" event two weeks ago that saw several teams have their season come to an early end due to damage from the wreck on the front straight-a-way.. :(
As for this statement, I think he meant more like misfortunate, I think on here on several threads you and your driver have made mention that you are out for the season, to me that is a misfortune for you guys and the series!
Then why have a non point race?
TSRSfan, well, with the new SAS management, we were given the opportunity to join SA for the 2005 season, although, we already had our schedule in place. We scheduled two events @ SA and secured the TMS date which we had on our schedule as “tentative” and were added to OktoberFAST. Two of those dates became the “Twin 50's”, we already had those dates on our schedule, just at other tracks. We were able to move the locations to SA, We added OktoberFAST to our schedule, as a non-points event. Reason for non-points? Most of our teams had planned their racing schedule around other family activities and I did not feel it fair to add a point’s race to the original schedule at near mid-season . Making it a non-points event gave those that wanted to race additional races, the opportunity, especially if it was their home track. Hope this helps.:rolleyes:
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i guess we just shouldn't support TSRS in non points races anymore since it seems like their are two or three races a year in which they want the drivers support the series, that way maybe they can have 4 or 5 cars and put on one hell of a show for the fans. snip snip snip

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Big John,


Well, you “called me out” so here I am.


Let be begin my first and hopefully only personal post on this site by stating I meant no malice by what I wrote. I have done my best to try and write releases that put the series in the best possible light while sticking to the facts and not turning a release negative as would be easy at times. I try to get as many names in a release as possible so teams can show positive results to their sponsors and not have releases full of on track mistakes made by drivers and post race bickering in the pits. That does no one any good to write that type of release. God know that has been difficult some nights because of what happens on the track.


Over the past two years I have done my best to move TSRS to the forefront of the Texas racing scene. During that time frame I feel I’ve done a pretty good job of accomplishing that goal despite the occasional typo. I challenge you to stop by the TSRS trailer and ask to see the 2004 and 2005 media books and say I have not done a good job in gaining exposure for the series and the teams competing in it. Your team has received many mentions in those releases. I will compare TSRS coverage with any other series running in Texas as being able to hold our own in the media.


Obviously emotions are still a bit raw in your shop because of your misfortune at the SAS race and you feel the need to continue lashing out at someone. I am personally disappointed that your team was caught up in the SAS deal, especially since Lloyd has led the series point race this season and still had a shot at the title. Posts on this very site have led me, as well as other readers, to believe that your season is over as a result of damage sustained at SAS. It is sad that one of the top performers in the series will not be able to compete in the final two races this season after such a good run most of the year. Did I misread something in those other posts about the remaining status of your season?


Yes, I did say the top three teams look pretty smart now for not coming to SAS. I am guessing that you guys probably wanted to shake the car down after the problems you had in Houston a couple weeks earlier to make sure everything was OK for the final stretch run. That was a pretty smart move also, but unfortunately it turned out bad for you and several other teams who were at SAS.


A press release can’t be 3 or 4 pages long. I have reread the release and don’t feel that anything is wrong unless the reader wants to look at it out of context, which I believe you have done. I never mentioned any team that was caught up in the wreck in this release. It was just bad luck that it happened to your team.


With all that said I must be honest and say I have occasionally been contacted by readers and racers asking me for clarification about something specific said in a release. I have appreciated the fact that these readers contacted me directly so we could talk about their concern or offer more information.


To be honest, I’m very disappointed that you felt the need to “call me out” in a public forum rather than call me or e-mail me directly to discuss your concern about this story. It’s not hard to find me if you put in just a small amount of effort. My phone number is on every press release and my e-mail address is listed on the TSRS web site. And let’s face it, I’m slow and fat and not very hard to chase down in the pits if you really would rather talk face to face. So if you still are not satisfied by this response, which I doubt you will be, let me extend you a personal invitation to discuss your “call out” like grown ups privately instead of airing a lot of trash in this forum.


I have said on several occasions that my time with TSRS has been the most enjoyable time I have had in my racing career. But when people like you and TQ feel the need to call people out in their posts because they have tried to read something into a release or just feel like trashing a person’s performance rather than talk to them directly about a topic, it gives me a reason to reflect on what, if any, value I really provide to you guys. Like most people at this level of racing I work a regular job and give up a lot of my personal time that could be used for other more important things that really matter in the world to be at the racetrack. Maybe I have my priorities messed up and shouldn’t waste my time on racing anymore. That will be something for me to think about between now and next year.


I look forward to hearing from you personally if more needs to be discussed about this matter,


Pat Mayberry

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BLOW THEM OFF?????,do that to much and there will not be cars to blow off,or score.a crew member like big john bust butt to get it fixed,then to read that perhaps they were wrong to go racing.to be tied up to a series is like a dictatorship.cars are built to race.and its ashame what happened at sas,but if no cars would have been there to support the sas race and put on a show for the fans,then that would be sad......

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I meant blow off the crying on here.


It just goes to show how people take things out of context.


It is unfortunate what happened in San Antonio. It's been 2 weeks since the race. Hopefully everyone has fixed their cars and will come race this weekend and have a great race.

Edited by Kathy
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yeah you would think people with cars would be smart if they showed up to race the RACECARS and not just let them sit in the shop looking pretty. i dont think pat meant anything personal but it was just a rather simple mistake of wrongly choosen words. people should be able to show up to a race without having to worry about tearing up just about every car in 3 laps. but what do i know i think krusty rusty is smart and want to be just like him.

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pat, its obvious by now that you meant nothing by it, and at the time i posted i had just got home from the shop, working my rear off as well as krusty rusty and doug e fresh had been for the last week trying to get together what we have left of 2 race cars. sure i could of just read it and not said anything, but this is not a game for me. This is my job. getting my 2 cars ready each race weekend is what i get paid to do. so for you to say it wasnt smart to support tsrs really got to me, not to mention the way we ran at sas. so if you think i was lashing out at you, then your probally right, me, and everyone else on our team work our butts off to go out there and race for the championship as well as support tsrs when the time comes. i understand you are doing your best to make tsrs look good, and i never once said you did a bad job, but to come home from 3 or 4 12o'clock nights in a row at the shop to see that, well here are the results. i appoligize if anyone thinks i am mean or needs to grow up, i will work on that, and we are not done, cars are bent but we are gonna make it work because we love racing and we are not going to give up that easy.

big john

Edited by ups88john
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Big John,


I knew the real you would eventually come out. I really don't know you, but from previous posts on other threads, you sound like a really outstounding person.


Glad to hear that you will make the spectacular.


Do you know Alex Pruitt by any chance?

Edited by wesmomt
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Yeah Big John and Rusty are good guys just like the whole race team they are with. TSRS is proud to have them with us. I understand all about working late hours on a race car...I do all my own work by myself to my car. By the way I met and enjoyed some good conversation the other day with Bubba (Big John's dad) at my shop. He told me both cars would be at the Spectacular. I'm really glad to hear that. :) Mickey McKim TSRS Official and THR Street Stock driver

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Glad to see that all ended well on this thread..


I would like to voice some appreciation of Pat Mayberry.

Since taking over as - unfortunately, starting my own business has hampered my time involved in most everything else - the part-time announcer for TSRS, Pat has been nothing but phenomenal with all his help, stats, and other contributions.


Also...Pat has been to TSRS what most PR folks are NOT to their drivers/teams/series in every other level of racing, including NASCAR. It's amazing the things he does, the releases he sends and the information he's compiled (I think his Books of Info weigh so much, Jack would have to DQ him)...


Great job, Pat..see you tonight.

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Lloyd #5,


Alex (I don't use his job title on here), told me that he was related to you, but I forgot how. I work with him every once in awhile at the Cancer Therapy & Research Center. He is a really nice guy and easy to work with.


Glad to see you both made it to THR. Cars looked good. I know there must have been alot of hours put in since Oktoberfast, on getting the cars to look that nice.

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Big John,

you are so cute when you speak from your heart. I hope you guys get your car back together and beat them "point chasing pretty boys".


Krusty is a hunk too.

Cute and John don't go in the same sentence!

As John said the afterparty was cool... great way to end a long day. Lots of laughs!


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