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Tire Gremlins @ Charlotte


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It seems to me there have been a few tire problems this year. I think ther were even some left front flats at a couple of tracks earlier this year. I may seem really stupid saying this, but is there a chance this big bar soft spring stuff is harder on tires than a conventional set up that they used to run?

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from what is seen is that the gringing of the track and the sealer they put on didnt slow the cars down after 20 laps of racing. OK if the cars didnt slow down after so many lap there is giong to be a tire problem. and the teams running the tire with to low of tire presssure is going to mack that happen to......that is what i seen the problem was.

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After listening to the telecast on speed tonight, Brian Vickers talking about how his car was pushing and still blistered the right rear. They couldn't take out the push fearing the RR would shread quicker. Most all were having this problem.


How would Traction control affect the right rear on cars with a very abrasive surface such as they had at Lowe's?


Could it be the dreaded TC is live and well in NA$CAR?

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Granted, they were NBC announcers, but it sounded like they were saying Lowe's had ground the track down and smoothed it and hadn't told Goodyear, so the tire boffins got caught by surprise.

What I kept thinking was, it's a good thing this is at night when the track is relatively cool. Can you imagine pit stops every ten laps in the daytime?

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After listening to the telecast on speed tonight, Brian Vickers talking about how his car was pushing and still blistered the right rear. They couldn't take out the push fearing the RR would shread quicker. Most all were having this problem.


How would Traction control affect the right rear on cars with a very abrasive surface such as they had at Lowe's?


Could it be the dreaded TC is live and well in NA$CAR?

Who knows, but did you catch the ATTEMPTED burnout by Portenga at THR on Oct. 1? It was classic.

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