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Knudtson Just Six Points Shy in 2005

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Boerne's Knudtson Ends Just Six Points Shy of 2005 NASCAR Sportsman Class Title at San Antonio Speedway


San Antonio – Eric Knudtson of Boerne lost the 2004 NASCAR Sportsman Class championship at San Antonio Speedway to Justin Oates by only 24 points, and that was heartbreaking for the veteran. This season, he battled wrecked cars and one disqualification to again take the runner-up spot in the Sportsman Class championship, this time by a slim six-point margin as he chased Keith Garrett and the new champ Greg Rohmer to the checkered flags on Saturday night, September 17.


"Man, I thought 24 points was close and hard to accept," Knudtson said, "but six points, after the up and down season we've had?" Knudtson's SunSational Pools and Spas Chevrolet Camaro was faster than either Garrett or Rohmer on the last night, but once he caught them, he couldn't find a way past. Then he and Rohmer got together.


"It was weird," Knudtson said. "It was like he clipped the brake pedal as he was getting on the gas, and when he checked up, I couldn't slow quick enough and hit him." Both cars were sent to the back of the field with Rohmer ahead of Knudtson, but both charged back through the field to finish second and third.


"I really have a new appreciation for my season against Justin last year," Knudtson said, "because Justin drove hard but fair, and Jason Oates had the car working well. We had some problems that cost us points last year, but so did they. In the end, they just outraced us." Knudtson also had good words for the tech crew this year, particularly for the guys who disqualified him for having a clutch pressure plate that was too light.


"You could look at it and say that cost me the championship," Knudtson said, "but my clutch plate was too light. I know some of the guys on the tech crew were pulling for me to win the championship, but they made the right call and disqualified me that night. I'm glad they called it they way they should have. I wish all officials called things the way they should. Heck, I'd be embarrassed and feel guilty to win a title because the officials didn't make the calls they should have."


It's the oldest cliché in sports: "Wait 'til next year." With his car banged up and a tired driver, Knudtson passed up the post season "OktoberFAST" at SAS; but there's always another season, and Eric Knudtson and the SunSational Pools Camaro will be back for another shot at the title in 2006.



T. Q. Jones P. O. Box 91346, Austin, TX 78709-1346

PH: (512) 261-5236 Email: tqj@mindspring.com

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It was a very interesting year watching the Sportsman Class. Eric congradulation on finishing second again some drivers out there wish they were second. As for the last night being faster. I saw you had a problem getting by the 6 car. I hope during the off season you have time to repair the brakes on that 27car they seem to come and go. Missed watching this OctFast night. I wish all the driver a good season next year. Remember guys this is only a sport for fun not a life or death race. It is all about just being able to compete and enjoy each others company.




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