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NASCAR and the Confederate Flag


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Ladies and Gentlemen. Political Correctness is infecting NASCAR. This old painting hangs in the Talladega Museum. If Brian France has his way it will be removed. What about OUR heritage? I fly the traditional Battle Flag at every race I attend. Make your voices heard.



NASCAR CEO no fan of Confederate flag



“It’s not a flag that I look at with anything favorable. That’s for sure,”








Click to e-mail NASCAR: mark.spoor@turner.com


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They get worried because too many people don't know what that flag is, and think it's a symbol of racism. In reality, it isn't the Confederate flag at all, it's a naval ensign that was adopted as their "battle flag" by Confederate troops because they liked the way it looked.

A lot of good men, most of whom never owned a slave in their lives, as well as a few former slaves, served under that flag.

I don't want the damn Klan (which also flies the flag of the United States at every one of their "events") to take that flag. That's why I like to see it. If NASCAR is worried about fighting prejudice, they should never give another dime to Jesse Jackson or any of his organizations.

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that is the biggest bunch of crap i have ever heard....brian france is slowly killing everything nascar was founded on.....the confederate flag is part of southern heritage.......everyone thinks the flag stands for racism, slavery was an unfortunate thing that happened, but it is a part of our countries history and by taking down every confederate flag in the united states, it will not erase what happened.......long live the stars and bars.........

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Yeah, and funny, it was allowed in the rest of the world for some 2,000 years (and is still around in some parts of the world); the U. S. and British were the countries that did away with it, not just in our countries, but in the rest of the world, and we still get blamed for all of it. Go figure.

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