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France family profiled


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From Jayski:

NASCAR Family on 60 Minutes this Sunday: The phrase "NASCAR Family" usually

refers to the millions of fans obsessed with the fastest-growing sport in

America. But the real NASCAR family is the France family of Daytona Beach,

Florida. For six decades, they have literally owned the sport, and made

themselves into billionaires in the process; NASCAR today is one of the biggest

businesses in the country still owned and run by the family that founded it.

Third-generation France siblings Brian and Lesa are now in running the show, and

they recently spoke with Lesley Stahl about the company's next "big goal":

moving more NASCAR race to America's biggest cities and attracting more minority

fans by moving away from the sport's southern "good ole boy" image. For more on

NASCAR'S past, present and future, watch 60 Minutes on Sunday, October 9, 7:00pm

et/pt on CBS.(CBS)(10-7-2005)

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