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How has the racing been in south Texas this year?


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I am sad to say that I have yet to get the chance to visit some of the far south Texas tracks this year. And with the price of gas. It does not look like I will be making it anytime soon. ( Collecting aluminum cans for gas money will only take ya so far ya know! Lol! )


My questions are....


How was car counts are various tracks in the far south Texas area.

Was fan counts good?

Rule enforcement good?

How are the track facilities? ( Clean, safe and fan friendly enviroment. )

Are the tracks stable finacially?

How do the race divisions compare to divisions in other area's of the state?

Tech of cars being done?

Race programs run fast and efficiently?

What tracks are sanctioned and unsanctioned tracks?


What are your thoughts on these questions and a few comments that you may have. Not looking for a bashing session. No need to name tracks. Just a overall view is what I am looking for.


Thanks for the info folks.

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