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Does anyone have this old article?


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I was thinking the other night about some of the great things racers do in when they aren't racing, like how "abrungot" works the JRA, and "wesmomt" is a strong advocate for FASCAR.


That got me thinking about all of the things that some drivers do away from the track as well. I remembered an article I had read in the SA Express News (the article ran sometime between 2001 and 2003.) It was about a local driver, who ran at either SAS or THR. In his off time, he would make a bunch of sandwiches and give them (and some soda) to the homeless here in town. As I recall, he did this on a regular basis.


Does anyone remember reading this article, or still have a copy of it?


Does anyone know who this driver was?


It has been said many times that the local racing needs more exposure, and when this article was published, I was still fairly new to the area. It was a full story, with a color photos. It was one of the draws back into racing for me. (I remember seeing articles on other drivers about the same time, but that is the one that is stuck in the ole memory banks.)


Who was the author of the story, and are they sill at SA Express? Why do we not see more stories like this, or a better question is: What would it take to get in contact with the author (assuming they are still at SA Express) and get them to push for more stories like this?


It would be great to have a copy of the article posted here on TSZ, if anyone has it...

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