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Any others coming to THR


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I had asked back on an earlier thread about running my roadrunner at THR. The response I got was the rules would be worked out and posted soon. I have yet to see them.


I would not mind coming, if I don't have to change a bunch of things on my car as it sits.


Mona Turner



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I just called Brain C. and he will talk to jack and call me back... so give me a few hours to repost..



Hate to say this.. but I believe your wrong... We had a huge spectacular last year too... and i think it was right around midnight when all racing was complete... and we didn't start as early...

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If you have much of a drive, I would sit this one out. Too many races for one night of racing. It will be going on until 2 or 3 in the morning. If they would guarantee the races to be at a certain time,k it may be worth it.

Last year we had about the same show for the Spectacular and were 100% done either a little before or a little after midnight.


Not sure where you're coming from, crackerracer, but if you miss this race you're probably missing one of the best shows of the season.


Nick Holt

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I just got off the phone with Jack S. and here is what he told me about the SAS cars coming up.

Reminder this is still a points races for THR.


Any SAS road runner car equal to or greater than 112" Wheelbase would be a hobby stock.


For this Min Weight is 3400 lbs and they can run the 8" 970's.


Any SAS Road runner car less than 112" Wheelbase would be a Street stock.


For this Min Weight is 3300 lbs and they can run the 8" 970's.


All other SAS rules would stand as is..

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Let me get this straight, since I am 108 inch wheelbase, I will run with the street stock. Does this mean that I will follow SAS sportsman rules, or roadrunner rules?


I'm asking because, roadrunners have racing springs that are same weight side to side. Sportsman can be different weight side to side. I run auto transmission with roadrunner. I don't know that it would be beneficial to run with the street stock, other than seat time and getting in the way. I don't have the performance that the street stock/sportsman have. I would also have to buy at least 4 new wheels and tires.


I have to think this one over. Thanks for checking into the issue. I will go watch if I decide not to run.


Aaron, if you need help with the kids club that night, let me know. I would like to get my feet wet before taking on the full task next season at SAS, (if allowed to have it.)


Mona Turner



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