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THR goes to 12-week season


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An announcement was made in the driver's meeting and in the stands at THR last night that the track would be running a limited (12 race) schedule next year. The announcement also said that each of those 12 races would include some type of "main event" traveling series feature.


Sounds like SAS and maybe CC might be doing something similar in coordination with the other tracks to make it a mutual-benefit scenario.


Every driver I talked to last night loved the idea. A couple even said that they won't have to sell their cars now. So far, it sounds like a great idea.

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Some of us had discussions years ago that it it could actually boost local racing if San Antonio and Kyle went to every other weekend, with the weekends staggered so it was San Antonio one night, Kyle the next, and so on.

Several thoughts we came up with--


1. Racers who only want to run one track have more free time.

2. Racers who want to race both can do so; they also get a little bit of that "travelling feeling".

3. Fans from the respective areas are starved a little, so to speak. They didn't see racing last week, they'll go this week. Weekly fans also don't see the same basic thing every week.

4. You can still have your respective track championships, but also you can have something like a "Central Texas Champ", for guys who elect to run both tracks. Ricci Ware did this in the 70's. This, however, is contingent on the rules for both tracks being identical, or at least a lot closer than they are now.


Overall, in my opinion, it would be a win-win for everyone.

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to me a 12 race season sounded terrible at first when i was told about it last night. but then i realized that every since i started racing in 1995 that i have never been able to make a full schedule for what ever reason it was and then i started thinking it will be great for me personally, fewer races at the same track means more chances to go to anoter track or just spend the weekend with my family which i have really enjoyed the last couple of months since i broke the rearend in the car. so in short i like the idea of only 12 races. see everyone at the spectacular

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This is the way I understand it, and announced it in the stands


We will be running a limited schedule, shooting for 12 or so races. All races would have the local classes AND some sort of "Big" traveling series.


So all 12-ish races would be local, and a big show. All twelve would be something special for the fans.


So, FOR EXAMPLE, local classes, and TSRS week one. The next race, a couple of weeks later, local classes and USRA. Couple of weeks later, local classes and TPS and Allison Legacys. A couple of weeks later, local classes and TSRS. Bake for 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven.


I believe that is the way they are talking.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

Thunder Hill Raceway Race Talker Abouter

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I can only race part time...now I can race a full schedule if I want to ! Hopefully the tracks can work out rules (this was mentioned) so we can visit other tracks on our off weeks. Also being able to make 12 races a season will help with obtaining sponsorship money. All the racing I have been doing lately is outa my pocket...I don't feel I should ask sponsors for money if I am only running part time. I'm not totally clear on the schedule that the track is working on but I believe the 12 race nights will be for local classes with the addition of one or more touring series to make each night a special night of racing. This works for me and I think this will work for the majority.

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Some of us had discussions years ago that it it could actually boost local racing if San Antonio and Kyle went to every other weekend, with the weekends staggered so it was San Antonio one night, Kyle the next, and so on.

Several thoughts we came up with--


1. Racers who only want to run one track have more free time.

2. Racers who want to race both can do so; they also get a little bit of that "travelling feeling".

3. Fans from the respective areas are starved a little, so to speak. They didn't see racing last week, they'll go this week. Weekly fans also don't see the same basic thing every week.

4. You can still have your respective track championships, but also you can have something like a "Central Texas Champ", for guys who elect to run both tracks. Ricci Ware did this in the 70's. This, however, is contingent on the rules for both tracks being identical, or at least a lot closer than they are now.


Overall, in my opinion, it would be a win-win for everyone.

All good points Tom. I've liked this idea for a long time also. I hope it brings big success with it for all tracks involved.


I know my wife is not complaining! :lol:

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In expanding this idea to the other tracks, SAS late model drivers would need at least one other track to compete in order to reach the # of races required to compete for the championship. That being said it looks like the LM drivers might need a change in schedule to be competitive under the new points format. It is an interesting idea and I guess we will have to see if the tracks can continue to work together as they have at times this season.

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In expanding this idea to the other tracks, SAS late model drivers would need at least one other track to compete in order to reach the # of races required to compete for the championship. That being said it looks like the LM drivers might need a change in schedule to be competitive under the new points format. It is an interesting idea and I guess we will have to see if the tracks can continue to work together as they have at times this season.

But wouldn't it have to be another NASCAR santioned track for it to work for them in the new format?

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if thr was a nascar track, drivers could rack up more points having 2 tracks to run-thats where some drivers in other parts of the country have the advantage-alot of tracks running different nites,within close driving distance and all nascar sactioned

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