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fire bottles


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Everyone needs to check their fire bottles for charge.Roadrunner,you need to put firefighting chemicals in it instead of NoX.Rick,you will have to find another place to put your beer,I dont think it qualifies as a firefighting chemicals.Takes too long to process.I will have to find another place for my nitromethane additive.Oh well,nothing lasts forever. :P

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How did they find out? GB if you woud have just glued the gauge to full I dont think anyone would have found out. I think I found a new place to put my NOS but it is going to take a trip to the hardware store in the morning! And Rick, you had beer in your fire bottle all this time? You sneaky guy. Cheating is all right as long as you dont get caught, but hiding beer in your truck from your fellow competitors is absolutly uncalled for. That is a beer blocking penilty. LOL!

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