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TSRS point standings as of 9/10/05

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Points Driver Car #

1288 Chris Schild 7

1239 Ian Webster 13

1231 Jeff Pollard 17

1220 Lloyd Alexander 5

1118 Ryan Engelhardt 53

1102 David White 6

1082 Allen Alexander 80

1067 Ronny New 1

761 Deed DuPont 71

726 Mike Yale 50

655 Bobby Joe New 3

596 James Reeder 41

544 Beau Bukowski 00

530 Leland Waddell 28

516 Alvin Stewart 10

505 John Hiel 15

485 JD Dusek 20

443 Brad Hudak 04

407 Mike Williams 33

406 Jamie Fuller 43

404 Brian Schild 11

374 David Snokhous 03

368 Marc Currey 05

360 Ervin Breiten 4

307 Tommy Gural 9

280 Blake Harris 14

257 Teresa Gural 25

250 Charles Buxton 77

239 Hal Collins 59

236 Henry Guerra 55

221 Buck Basey 2

185 Robert Elizondo 98

180 Joe Armendia 79

130 Jim Teague 73

124 Ricky Gavin 34

112 Jim Broughton 8

106 Justin Oats 0

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This may be a bit easier to read.


Texas Super Racing Series point standings as of 9/10/05


Position, Car Number, Name, Points


1. (7) Chris Schild, 1288

2. (13) Ian Webster, 1239

3. (17) Jeff Pollard, 1231

4. (5) Lloyd Alexander, 1220

5. (53) Ryan Engelhardt, 1118

6. (6) David White, 1102

7. (80) Allen Alexander, 1082

8. (1) Ronny New, 1067

9. (71) Deed DuPont, 761

10. (50) Mike Yale, 726

11. (3) Bobby Joe New, 655

12. (41) James Reeder, 596

13. (00) Beau Bukowski, 544

14. (28) Leland Waddell, 530

15. (10) Alvin Stewart, 516

16. (15) John Hiel, 505

17. (20) JD Dusek, 485

18. (04) Brad Hudak, 443

19. (33) Mike Williams, 407

20. (43) Jamie Fuller, 406

21. (11) Brian Schild, 404

22. (03) David Snokhous, 374

23. (05) Marc Currey, 368

24. (4) Ervin Breiten, 360

25. (9) Tommy Gural, 307

26. (14) Blake Harris, 280

27. (25) Teresa Gural, 257

28. (77) Charles Buxton, 250

29. (59) Hal Collins, 239

30. (55) Henry Guerra, 236

31. (2) Buck Basey, 221

32. (98) Robert Elizondo, 185

33. (79) Joe Armendia, 180

34. (73) Jim Teague, 130

35. (34) Ricky Gavin, 124

36. (8) Jim Broughton, 112

37. (0) Justin Oats, 106

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mary Ann Naumann

Please Note: We have found an error with a couple of cars that did not complete one full lap @ a couple of our races. The computer picked them up as last place for points because they started the race, although they crashed or broke prior to completion of one green flag completed lap, They should have received 5 points for attending the event. These have been corrected.

Thanks! :)


1 (17) Chris Schild 1288

2 (13) Ian Webster 1239

3 (17) Jeff Pollard 1231

4 (5) Lloyd Alexander 1220

5 (53) Ryan Engelhardt 1118

6 (6) David White 1102

7 (80) Allen Alexander 1082

8 (1) Ronny New 811

9 (50) Mike Yale 726

10 (3) Bobby Joe New 655

11 (71) Deed DuPont 645

12 (41) James Reeder 596

13 (00) Beau Bukowski 544

14 (28) Leland Waddell 530

15 (10) Alvin Stewart 516

16 (15) John Hiel 505

17 (20) JD Dusek 485

18 (04) Brad Hudak 443

19 (33) Mike Williams 407

20 (43) Jamie Fuller 406

21 (03) David Snokhous 374

22 (05) Marc Currey 368

23 (4) Ervin Breiten 360

24 (9) Tommy Gural 307

25 (14) Blake Harris 280

26 (11) Brian Schild 279

27 (25) Teresa Gural 257

28 (77) Charles Buxton 250

29 (59) Hal Collins 239

30 (55) Henry Guerra 236

31 (2) Buck Basey 221

32 (98) Robert Elizondo 185

33 (79) Joe Armendia 180

34 (73) Jim Teague 130

35 (34) Ricky Gavin 124

36 (8) Jim Broughton 112

37 (0) Justin Oats 106

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann
Is the Texas Stock Car Spectacular at THR still a points race for TSRS?
Donna, yes it is, even though it is now called The Texas Stock Car Spectacular, we have that date Oct 22nd on our TSRS schedule as a points race. Thanks for asking.
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