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Greeting's Part 2


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Nick, that sums it up, my first post pretty much told the truth about CCMS at the moment. This is only my opinion, but my post could have been simply edited and not deleted. Just because a track official asks for a post to be removed doesn't mean it should. I would have liked for those specific drivers mentioned and fans to be able to comment and add too. Again, I was stating my opinion, and I think I'm entitled to it.

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It was pretty obvious that you do indeed have an opinion - and it's probably just as valid as anyone else's.


However, TXSZ is not the place to bring complaints, protests, negative opinions, etc, against a track, a series, officials, etc. TXSZ management is simply asking that we deal with the series, track, official, or whatever, directly instead of airing it here.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

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Nick, you are right...my opinion doesn't really matter...however, my point was that I was complimenting some drivers for a job well done...and you totally deleted without editing my post and reposting it. I was simply just referring to the positive in my response to you, not the negative. I understand the first sentence of my first post was negative, meaning the CCMS management...can't help it, I hear about things and I have issues and I don't mean to take it out on TXSZ, however, I was also complimenting drivers...that is what I was upset with when I found my post deleted completely. I have seen many posts edited in the past, maybe my compliments could have been kept, with the negative being deleted. Nick this is the last time you will here from me on this subject. I hope that you understand where I'm coming from and reconsider before you completely delete an entire post.

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I am curious about something Nick. While I understand that there is a desire to limit bashing and coarse language, this pendelum is now swinging too far. Now the individual tracks are able to censor what will be put on here? I realize that this is a privately owned site and censorship is the right of the owner and I don't have a problem with that. But where are you drawing the line. For instance, since you are apparently removing posts at user's request: At my request I would like you to remove all of TQJ3's and cRt's posts. :P Anyway, I have noticed a decrease in traffic on here, Some new sites have started asking for members to join over there. I would hate to see this site become a shell of its former self. But all good things must end, maybe the TXSZ has run its course and this is just part of a growth or life curve. not worth much but still JMO.

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To comply with what everyone's idea of what this forum area should be is impossible. I get complaints all the time. Too liberal or too conservative. That I'm a communist pig. That I'm a right wing Hitler.


So, let's talk a minute about the thread that seems to be stirring up this latest move to swing the pendulum back towards the more bashy side. It was removed under rather unusual circumstances, I must admit.


The first post in the tread was posted after I had retired my computer for the night. The next morning my wife had to be at the airport at 6:30 a.m and I had a business appointment at 8:00 a.m. so I didn't get back on TXSZ until about 11:00 am. As most of you know, I spend 40-50 hours a week trying to stay on top of things at TXSZ, but this time I was actually away from the computer for about 12 hours. Unheard of!


In the meantime one of the CCMS management had posted in the same thread accusing me of deliberately allowing bashes against CCMS and he requested in that post that TXSZ remove all the sections dealing with CCMS. Obviously I had failed yet again. I took down the thread without trying to figure out which parts of the original post were bashes and which parts were not. My fault there, I'm sure.


To respond to your bigger concern, yes, there is a fine line there somewhere and I have searched left and right, high and low to find the spot that will satisfy everyone, including the site ownership. There is no such spot.


Obviously, you and a few others are not going to be satisfied with the way things are run around here all the time, and that is to be expected. But, like they say, you get what you pay for! LOL In the meantime I'll just do my best and keep moving!


Thanks for your input.


Nick Holt

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No problem. I can respect tryying to find the right spot on that fine line which is always moving actually. Believe me I understand ;). As long as that is where your coming from and there is some fluidity to this while the site is kind of resetting its footing, then I support that and will be patient while that is being accomplished. I appreciate you not taking my previou post as a bash, as that was not the intent. I was just expressing what I hope are the kind of opinions that the site is trying to use to gauge where its target market lies.



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Kyle, sorry you do not like the managment at CCMS. I know you and the ones telling you it is a problem could do much better job.



Nick sorry for putting you in a bad situation, let them post whatever they want, I don't care.


I know I will never do things right in the Paraders eyes because I would not let him start on the pole every week he raced.



Thanks Again.

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Well, now that we've settled this little problem.. LOL


Owen - I have to take most of the blame here. I should never have left TXSZ without moderator coverage for 12 straight hours! By the time I got back the damage had already been done. I will try to do better in the future.


Kyle - Your opinion does matter, but please choose your words more carefully and take up any personal issues you have with the track privately. Thanks.


Johnny - As mayor of a thriving metropolis, I imagine you get approached all the time with deals that are hard to refuse. But hang on tight! This one is a keeper...


How would you like to buy me lunch one day soon so we can discuss your working as the night moderator here at TXSZ? The hours are great (midnight to 6:30 a.m., 24/7, no holidays). And even better, you never have to worry about paying income taxes on your TXSZ salary. That's because 30% of Zero equals Zero!


But as if that's not enough, the side benefits are exciting too.


A) You for sure will get to be called lots of fun names and,

B) If you're real lucky (like I have been twice so far), you and your family will to experience the thrill of finding fan letters neatly tucked under the windshield of the family car every now and then.


Pretty enticing, huh? The detective thought so too. Let me tell you, it's especially heartwarming to realize that someone has actually taken the time to find out where you live and where your children go to school.


As if all of the above were not enough, I can guarantee you that you will be called at home (once again, 24/7, any time of day or night) by fun folks who seem anxious to tell you what they really thing about you and to offer Free Advice on where you can conveniently store a wide variety of objects where the sun don't shine.


What a deal, eh?


Nick Holt

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you have to take the bad with the good!!!! guys


"If your wanting only what is good, you must balance with a little bad...." ~me



with that said....don't preach-unless your a preacher!


Go Hard, Turn Left--And Right

Thanks for the advice, d-f. By the way, can I have a handwriting sample from you? LOL


Nick Holt

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Do not recall you being one of my drivers, you and your friends do not like me and that is fine. I can get on this forum and state my opinions just like you.


You are right, I apologize for stooping to your level.


I will not be unprofessional again. To make Kyle happy everyone I will not post on TSZ again.


Once again Kyle is right.

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