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Some people have gotten really hot under the collar lately. Just a reminder, this is just an internet message board. This entire web site was built (from what I can tell) for the purpose of informing Texas on racing in their area. The message board is here to learn and inform. This area is called "Texas Auto Racing" from what I can tell, it's purpose is to discuss Texas Auto Racing... discuss, not complain about. Someone said "What if we don't know who to go to or talk to about a problem?" I'm not a driver, but my guess would be, if I were, it would be pretty easy to get with an official in regards to my track or series. I would think y'all have meetings and can probably find the people in charge at those meetings. For everyone else, chill out. There's MUCH worse things in this world to worry yourself over, rather than blowing a fuse over a silly mesage board.


I've gotten very caught up with message board stuff in the past and I finally just realized it's best some times to just step away. Sometimes I would even remove the link from my favorites or what not, just to take away the temptation a little more. Then, after a little while, drift back in once you've had a chance to cool off.


Like I said, this is just a place to come and "chat" with friends when you get the chance. It's not the end of the world. If you don't like the way the owner(s) are moderating the board... click the little "X" on the top right of the screen. It's that simple. No need to get upset.


And yes, to those of you saying "We should be able to say what we think/feel." And you should to a certain point. Someone (Jason) decided to build this site and give people a place to go to discuss their sport. It appears the ownership has changed, but the rules appear to be the same. Respect other drivers and respect your sport. If you have a problem with someone, tell them directly. (hint: if you think they can read your posts, they probably have an email address as well).


everyone now... breath, 1, 2, 3, breath, 1, 2, 3...


It will be OK, I promise :)

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I agree with what you are saying, many people use this forum as a place to complain and whine, name car # and names and certain events that happened, and usually they end up blaming an official in the end. I am not a driver, I am the wife and mother of a driver. Yes, I get upset sometimes, "that's life" with things that happen or decisions that are made, but I can tell you I do not envy the job of the officials. Ten people can be at ten different spots at the track, and see ten different things. What you see, may not be what someone else see's, so we may get upset sometimes, but we have to live with it or get away from it. With that said, I do think it would be nice to discuss situations on the forum, I think it helps to hear other point of views on a certain incident. The only problem is, some people can not keep it generic If it were kept generic, no blaming just discussing maybe it would help people to see the other sides, because sometimes you can talk to an offical or the other driver, and maybe you just need to discuss it with someone who has an outside view of things. All I am saying is, it is really ashame that we can not use this forum to discuss issues, without pointing the finger.

I wish all of you could have seen the Fox 7 News report that was done on Steve Osborne week before last. As he stood at the track talking to the reporter, (with tears in his eyes) saying "It hurts, It hurts to see your dream die" You drivers are supposed to be out there to have fun, and it could be taken away from you anyday also.

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