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Is Auto Racing A Sport?


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Believe it or not, this is a poll the Beaumont, Texas paper is running. Believe it or not, it was showing a 61% vote for NO!!! We've managed to get it to 67% YES!!!


Please take a minute to help the area and racing community in general out by voting YES! It only takes a minute.


The newspaper will not give more racing coverage unless this poll clearly states that people look at auto racing as a sport. I believe this poll will only be up through Wednesday, but you may check back.


Thanks for your support!


Vote YES!!!!!!!!!!!


There is an indy car icon towards the left middle of the

page with a poll.

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Why not post this on the main auto racing forum?


I sent the following to the reporter, Johnnie Walters, after I voted:



The only people who think auto racing isn't a sport, and isn't physically taxing, are those who have never driven a race car at anywhere near competitive speeds. They sit down and steer? So do bobsledders.


I played varsity football and basketball in high school, and baseball before high school. I also play, or did play, tennis, volleyball and soccer, and I'm telling you auto racing is the most physically and mentally taxing sport I ever did. (I'll admit the motorcycle racers probably work even harder.) The only thing I've done that comes close to the mental and physical aspects of racing is soccer.


Modern racing cars pull a lot of Gs. Drag racers and NASCAR drivers pull more Gs than the crew of the space shuttle experiences. Formula 1 drivers can't hold their heads up under acceleration without some sort of strap or brace. And a few years ago, the Champ Car series tried to race at Texas Motor Speedway but discovered the drivers were pulling so many Gs they were close to blacking out; the races had to be cancelled.


Rick Mears was the first driver to pull five Gs at Phoenix, which is a flat track, not a high-banked oval. (When asked what five Gs felt like, Mears replied, "Like eight Gs.")


Driving to work has the same relationship to racing that walking around the block after dinner has to running a marathon.


T. Q. Jones, Austin

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makes me want to put ole johnny boy from the enterpirse paper in a ride one nite and let him decide for himself if all a driver has to do is sit and mash a gas and brake-i bet his ass rides a bicycle with a group of his buddies wearing spandex and hog the right hand side of the road during rush hour traffic-jmo

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There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.


A quote by Mr. Ernest Hemingway.

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quote of 4 time defending IHRA Top Fuel World Champ Clay Millican,"top fuel dragsters will exert +5 +7 G's on a driver during the course of a run-but stopping em is more exciting than the race sometimes,the G's can be -7 to-11 and if your belts aint tight,you aint staying in

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I can't remember which tv announcer said it, but they told these kinds of people that don't think racing is a sport to "get in your car, roll up all the windows, put on a coat, turn on the heater, and drive around for three hours, then tell me racing isn't a sport." I've never driven a race car in my life, but I want to. There are only two other sports I can think of that can come anywhere close to comparison, soccer and professional hockey (of course, those who know me know I'm biased on the second one).

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i would compare racing to bullriding (never tried bullriding), both are dangerous and there is always the chance of getting hurt or killed with either one..........there is not much chance of getting killed with the stick and ball sports unless you get some psycho fan...........

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Working with all the "main stream" sports guys that I do, I hear this question and "Are race car drivers REALLY athletes" all the time...


Those folks do that just to rile things up...if they really DON'T think auto racing is a sport, then they're seriously mis-guided...


Every one that's ever told me that, then gone out to either a NASCAR or local race...has ALL agreed that racing is a sport after they see it in person.

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As a former bullrider, and someone who has piddled with racing, and played every ball sport around I can tell you that for sheer fast maximum exertion and elation- nothing beats bullriding, and on a lesser scale I cannot picture decently competitive racing being much less. I know that I have felt more exhausted mentally and physically and at the same time more physically elated after a fast competitive go kart race than I felt after playing in a state championship high school basketball game. If i could go back to my teens and choose Auto racing over football, basketball and track, I would.



Now Golf- That's the real sport though.

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yep pacecar and that poker on tv all day and nite-elbows got to hurt from propping em on the table,probably get barroom elbows and if they get hemmroids the day of a big marathon game-got to be tough-need to make it real tough and put em in a glass room or sauna with the temp at 150+ degrees and let em sit there and play for 3-4 hours and only give em 1 bottle of water per hour-

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