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Who plans on going to TMS in Nov?


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I will be there Nov 3rd - 6th. We have a big group that camps from Thursday to Monday.


You should be able to get good tickets but you might have to pay a little more. Also, the longer you wait, the more expensive it becomes.


We should be there Nov 19th as well.

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Ok guys I didnt relize they been on sale for a month now.

What sucks is I aint going to be able to come up with the $ for a couple weeks. Do yall think Ill be able to still get some good seats by then?


sean B)

On the internet go to the Dallas morning news classifieds, then go to tickets. You can get what ever seating you want but its going to cost ya. Or get on ebay, I've done that a few years, works good........

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Sean, go to advantagetixx.com They have every seat in the house, but its expensive. If your going by yourself or just a few people you can buy tickets from a scalper, they'll be along side the road leading to the track......... The later you wait to buy, the cheaper they'll be(from a scalper).

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Ive managed to get tickets for the IRL race on Saturday. My question is, according to the TMS schedule, IRL race wont start until 7pm, is that correct? What time is this thing suppost to over? And what time do gates open up at? just trying to get clarification




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if your asking what time the race will be over-there are alot of factors-cautions/redflags/cleanups if any/rain delays if any/could have a power failure and lites go out/never know-hard question to answer-i'd figure 9 pm in that area give or take with minimum problems-they haul ass around tms in irl cars-if no problems, it will be over before you know it

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Hey Larry Thats exactly what I meant. I wish I could hang out in the pits our USRA buddies. But I guess thats not an option. Ill make sure I wear what little USRA gear that I have to represent the series.



Thanks you guys on the quick reply; you guys are great.



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sean,thats the idea-look offical-walk in a group of people and slide right on in undetected-kinda like when you go to a pro ball game-sneak by the seat checkers-get a seat close to the action early in the day-pull out a newspaper and act like your reading it and chit chat with people around you-and hope nobody comes up with a ticket-if they dont, Bingo,front row, if they do just move to the nearest empty seat-works best in sections with the young seat checkers-they're to busy yacking and trying to be noticed,stay away from the ole fart checkers,they act like they're on a mission to seek you out of the crowd and make sure you get to your seat in the nose bleed section-word of advice-this does not work every time-i call it extreme seating-kind of a rush waiting to see if you get away with it-in baseball, by start of 4th inning you're in the clear,football by middle of 2nd quarter-auto racing is different,nobody wants to miss the start, so when the green drops your usually in the clear

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