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Well I got to run my first Thunder Hill Street Stock race tonight. Ive practiced in it for awhile but until your in that car and you know that next car is a poisition theres nothing else like it. Ive love stock car racing and now this is the final knot in the rope Im hooked for life after tonight... I wanted 30 more laps. :D

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I started dead last which was 15th and 2 or 3 cars came off so I was 12th or 13th at the checkers and I was never lapped. I was racing Jerry Barnett for about the last 10 laps and I gotta say that was freakin awesome. I didnt even see the checkers come out. But most of all I gotta thank my Mom and Dad for letting me in the car. :D Doug ripple won, Bruce Hinson got 2nd and Bobby Teer got third I think.

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good job Matt. remember you cant win unless your there at the end. practice practice practice. good luck on your next run. tell your dad he can use my car to practice with you and show you how to run the outside---He's good at it. Laters bud

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