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Need prayers for our fledgling ministry!


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Please be in prayer for our ministry. We have been fighting off satan's attacks now for more than a year. We are a small ministry, and it has been incredibly discouraging and slow growing. God Created Dirt Ministries. Please pray for encouragement, and the improvement of our financial situation.

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I live in Elkhart, Texas. My church is between Elkhart and Palestine. We have been trying to get a car together to go race around east and north Texas. I haven't asked my church for any help, other than to get some of my church brothers and sisters to join in with us. I apparently am not in a church full of race fans, so it is mostly my immediate family and a very small group of friends that are actively involved so far. All of the funds that have gone into the car or anything else so far have come from my own pocket. We are a single income family, so the pockets are very shallow. There are quite a few members in our facebook group, which is wonderful, but most are too far away to help other than with their prayers. I know God will supply our needs, as He always has, but the timing just frustrates me sometimes. I know this is one of the ways that God wants me to spread His influence and message, but I'm beginning to think that I'm going about it wrong or something. Doubts and confusion come from satan, but I can't figure out what is in my life that is keeping me from completing God's will in my life. I am in prayer daily about this, but may be to close to the situation to be objective. Please pray for me and our little group. We are really targeting running this spring, but a money miracle is needed to make it possible.

Thanks Nick.

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