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Night of Destruction!


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Man I havn't laughed so hard in awhile. The 360 and boat "race" were hilarious! And the guy who was running into the boats after the boat "race" should get paid double, it got the crowd fired up more then all the other stuff! Great job on setting this up Owen and everone else that helped, it was awesome. Man if there were about 30 cars for each event I think I woulda had a heart attack. I'm looking forward for the next one. :lol::D

Oh, and Jason you have some work to do on that car! :lol:

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all i knows is i won the chain race because my tranny is a huge piece of caca if your in ole san antone , even though i won the train race with that [edited out by Nick Holt, 2/20/05].

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Owen and crew, GREAT JOB!!! Last night was a blast. I could not stop laughing. It was also cool to see Frank Torres from I-37 out there giving 'em hell...glad to see you doing better.


Jason, I think your tire made more laps than your car!! :lol::lol::lol:


Can't wait for the next one.....does anyone know if Tammy video taped it?? I would love to have one.

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That was some seriously funny crap. The Boat trailer race was the crazy looking sh*t.

Congrats to Chuck Perry #15 Enduro for hanging in there and winning. #88 Tommy Wynd for third . Looks like the Destroyer's are the car's to beat in the 3 enduro races. Good luck guys .

Gotta say Wayne Norrell brought the car to beat ! Damn the guy ran everything and almost won it all.

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Congrats to Jason, Roy and Big John...you guys were animals ! What a blast ! That was a Hell of a Show !! Oh yeah Congratulation to Mark C. on second in the enduro. Thanks also to Tony Stewart...uh ..I mean Krusty , Big John and Jason for the Beer (slept like a baby in my motel on wheels). :D

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I had a blast the second segment in the 17 car i shared with wayne. Then the train race the shrimp had to do the the funniest thing i have ever been a part of. Neck and neck battlin it out for first i just hear somebody body yelling and i was sayin what the hell is that look over down the back straighaway and he's tryin to carry on a conversation it was freakin hilarious. Would've been nice for the tranny not to go out in pratice but crap happens with some of those old cars, see if we can't get it fixed for next weekend for the dirt track and head out there with big john, also get wayne to jump on the hood a few more times on the 17 and she should be good to go. Thanks to the 81 car pullin our two bad boys around the track, and by the way that boat race was the funniest damn thing ive ever seen. great job owen and every body at ccms.

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Roy, I took a bunch of pictures, just hope they come out. If they do, I will shoot you some. You guys were too funny in that chain race...I kept wondering how Wayne would stop you guys with James driving the tank. I really hope the pictures of Wayne riding in the boat come out...that guy is nuts!!


All in all the whole night was awesome, once again, hats off to Owen and the whole CCMS crew.

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a ton of fun, wish our car didnt have tranny problems cause it was alot easier to drive than that terd jason had. only rear brakes and the pedal was on the floor. didnt help that the center broke out of the wheel. looked like wayne and roy were having a blast in that little car. congrats to all the winners and thanks jason for sharing your car.


big john

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Jason you did good, how did feel to make a bunch of laps with all those cars? Are you going to run that car in the bombers this year?


I am not sure what happened but the paint on the car didn't match the paint on your posts. You may want to get your money back on the paint if you can because it sure changed colors...(Maybe the speed affected it). jk

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The boat race was funny especially when right off the bat at the start when the guy takes off and leaves his boat right at the starting line. I kept waiting for someone to come around and run it over.

I though the Parks car was pretty cool with that big ol wing on top.

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Gonna see if I can find me some newer wheels for the thing that will fit without having to get the torch out and wont break. Also need to make some other changes before that thing returns on the track. I had a blast. Thanks to Owen, Tommy Wynd, Chuck Perry, and everyone else who put time into the car. I look forward to running it again and beatin those destroyer cars this time.

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