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TALMS Tires for 2016


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One of the main issues with the TALMS series in the past few years is the high cost of tires.


At $120-$140 a tire in the past few years, the Hoosier F75 does not appear to be the most economical tire to be on.


We feel like this has been detrimental to car count.


In order to make the class better and more affordable for everyone involved TALMS will be on the 89A 8" Towel City Retreaded Slick. This will be the ONLY tire allowed to race with TALMS in 2016.


These tires will be sold by Kimsey Davis, and will cost $80/tire.




Compared to the Hoosier F75






For out of town drivers we will find ways to get these tires to you.


We are going to finish out the 2015 season with the current tire rule to phase the F75 out.


Any questions about this tire can be directed to Kimsey.

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