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koshers korporate evaluation


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I believe now you have proved you dont have a klue. Why would there need to be a TTOPA if the trakks merged. Wouldnt they be together instead of working together? Would that eliminate a middle man. It is obvious the people giving resistance are the ones that would be eliminated or their positions changed due to a merger. Kosher sees TTOPA trying to work together, but those hours spent with TTOPA could be used more efficiently. Racerx, make a list of reasons it would not work and I will be more than happy to address them. Until then, please refrain from kalling kosher knumb Knuts.

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I like Koshers idea. THR Friday nite and SAS Saturday nite.



I've been trying to get the tracks to make one set of purestock/bomber/roadrunner class rules. The only difference might be tire. That way a guy can run anywhere on any given weekend. Rainouts wouldn't be a problem. I thought that was the purpose of TTOPA but I guess it's not. Some of the asphalt tracks should actually look at running on fridays. I-37 is packed every Friday, but then again thats us dirt guys. I'm running dirt and asphalt this year. Should be fun.

The six published goals of TTOPA are:


1) Promoting closer working relationships among member tracks.

2) Working towards formulating similar rules for similar classes and establishing reciprocal rules agreements among member tracks.

3) Working towards a set of common race procedures.

4) Coordinating track schedules and touring series schedules.

5) Purchasing certain consumables through TTOPA.

6) Working together to resolve issues that impact asphalt racing in general and member tracks in particular.


Nobody said TTOPA would accomplish these goals overnight. In fact, we made it very clear that these goals would take significant time to accomplish. In the meantime, TTOPA deserves your support.


Nick Holt

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I do believe TTOPA has the support of the racers, but kosher does have an excellent idea. this guy is seeing something here, this could be good for both tracks. Run every other weekend march - october. thats 19 or 20 races per track. take 1 dolar like THR did for points fund at both tracks make a track champion and a season champion.


This could work and i believe could have awsome car counts.



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I believe the local owners/promoters would not support a plan to run every other week. The idea is to increase your possible revenue stream, not cut it in half.


Tracks that cut back on the number of race events soon become special-events-only tracks and it is well documented that most special-events-only tracks do not survive -- unless their special events happen to be a couple of NEXTEL Cup dates.


However, it would not surprise me (once the rules for the various classes were similar enough) that the TTOPA tracks might alternate classes on given nights so that track X could have a big Street Stock race on a given night that the other two tracks let that class off. Stuff like that would work.


Nick Holt

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I believe the local owners/promoters would not support a plan to run every other week.  The idea is to increase your possible revenue stream, not cut it in half.


Tracks that cut back on the number of race events soon become special-events-only tracks and it is well documented that most special-events-only tracks do not survive --  unless their special events happen to be a couple of NEXTEL Cup dates.


Nick Holt

That's what I was trying to say, just didn't know how to word it properly. :D


edit: crap, I'm agreeing with Nick... watch out, it must be snowing in a really hot place right now :lol:

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Kosher...TTOPA Includes CCMS and works closely/cooperates with HMP...Kosher Kan Kount Kars but Kan't Kount tracks....RacerX said on here your idea should be explored...FYI RacerX last year told one TTOPA owner and two potential track owners if he owned both SAS and THR that's exactly what he would do...so RacerX will stick with KnumbKnuts until Kosher komes to his senses or uses his real name...Kosher Kan't stop while he is ahead...




More profit by raising revenues

More profit by reducing costs


If you have too much supply and not enough demand, product doesn't bring in enough revenues...we have enough races now from a fan's prospective that it's no big deal to miss one...


The reality is while NASCAR is more popular than ever, there is also more competition for fans and fan $$$

These factors have impacted local racing:

You can see a professional car race on TV several times a week all racing season (this has happened within the last 10 years)

Austin & San Antonio have lots and lots of entertainment options (more and more every year)

Family time values & priorities continue to shift

Cable TV


Tracks are too far out of town (Time & DWI enforcement)


Sometimes less is more. You can grow revenues and reduce supply at the same time. [insert TQ Promotion speech here] [insert all of quality of event suggestions here].


Which would you rather sell: 36 races of a packed house with high car counts pulling from 2 major markets or 72 sparsely attended ones pulling from one market? Who knows, maybe it should be temporary until we build up the fan base and quality of events.


I think there is room in between weekly and special events. However, certain people I respect with much more experience running tracks than I have do not think it is possible.


I also think we should print off a copy of this thread and delete it after everyone has thier say...

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Even the "special events" tracks that host Nextel Cup races don't depend on that to survive. Remember when Eddie Gossage responded to the CART suggestion to reschedule after the drivers reported near blackouts due to high G forces a couple of years ago?

He said something like, "We're already booked 500 days a year, so it will be difficult to schedule another event."

Race tracks need to stay busy more than just a couple of weekends, or even half the year.

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you want the last word, you got it, now you want to sweep this under the karpet, probably bekause my evaluation is akkurate. I just have one kuestion, please komment on you previous kuote ........ "We are all loyal to Jon T and his crew for all they have done for us and we aren't going to stick a knife in his back...I would wonder about anyone who would think that they could wave a little money around and expect you to sell out people who had been supporting you...Then anyone that whores out, how could he ever count on them?". You guys were so totally agaist that merger, it did happen, and now it is the greatest thing since krispy kream.

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Kosher...don't want to sweep it under the rug...but everyone in the business of getting and keeping sponsors, Teams, Tracks, Series, don't need these kinds of discussions public. IT IS STUPID, STUPID, STUPID FOR ALL OF US IN THE BIG PICTURE WHEN OUTSIDERS READ OUR FAMILY BUSINESS!!! We kill ourselves with sponsors with this kind of talk in public. Improve the sport by chasing off sponsors???


I think your idea has a lot of merit. I said once everyone has had thier say we should print it off and delete it. Print it off so we keep the pros and cons and use it for future consideration. Everyone has thier say, means everyone, not me having the last word. You are fos.


You should read all the posts not just take one out of context. I said all along I thought they should be together. That one particular post was in response to something someone said about going to who had the best payouts, regardless of other factors. And I will stand by that post none the less. Everyone worked it out the way it should be and both parties are happy. I fail to see your point and it's relavance to this thread. Next time you want to start something with me ID yourself. Hiding and taking pot shots ain't kosher kosher.

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