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koshers korporate evaluation


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kosher thinks that San Antonio Speedway and Thunderhill raceway should merge. This plan would make a few people angry, but overall would benefit the racing kommunity. Both trakks could run under the NASKAR sanktion with whatever LM rules they wanted, and alternate between trakks weekly. You kould kut your overhead tremedously, and kreate more excitment for the fans. After all, racing and watching the same kars on the same trakk every week gets old very fast. Also the tracks would not be kompeting with each other for kars or fans. Kall it what you want, but koshers evaluation is that there in not enough kars or fans for both to grow, the may only survive at best. So kosher hopes Brian and Ted meet in Korpus at one of the big kar races and get ur done.

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CahneFan thinks Kosher is Kompletely Krazy. I'm not sure what SAS has in store, but THR has some great things Koming this next season and beyond.


So, basically, Kosher wants THR and SAS to have a two-track traveling NA$KAR $irkut?

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kosher suggest that you count the fans in the stands and the Late models at each trakk. You kan get more fans at a chikken fight that Thunderhill and San Antonio Speedway are drawing on a weekly basis. Sekkondly, how in the hell is it a traveling Naskar cirkuit when it is only one hour difference between the two. Kosher may need a psykhologikal evalutation, but he kan still kount kars and fans, kan you? Why would ksoher open a deli at the trakk with so few kustomers.

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kosher suggest that you count the fans in the stands and the Late models at each trakk. You kan get more fans at a chikken fight that Thunderhill and San Antonio Speedway are drawing on a weekly basis. Sekkondly, how in the hell is it a traveling Naskar cirkuit when it is only one hour difference between the two. Kosher may need a psykhologikal evalutation, but he kan still kount kars and fans, kan you? Why would ksoher open a deli at the trakk with so few kustomers.

Why do you think TTOPA was formed, Kosher?


You're not the only one who kan kount kars around here. LOL You have - along with the entire Central/South Texas stok kar racing kommunity - identified the basik problem, but your solution suks. The real solution, many of us believe, will take some time, and may involve sakrifices from all side along the way, but at least is doable. Come on TTOPA.


Nick Holt

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An hour difference doesn't make a difference. I know people that drive 3 hrs. just to get to thunder hill, and that would be absolutely crazy for the to drive to san Antonio every other week. Plus with the new staff mixing in with the old at THR, I'll agreee that they have an excelent season coming up! JMO: kosher, i think your just a little messed up upstairs. BAD IDEA


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but your solution suks.


Nick, I know you're being funny when you say that eventhough you don't agree. Some would perhaps think you should add one of the (edited by Nick Holt) thingys in there. Eventhough we may not agree, we should study all the angles/options. It may make some sense from an economic standpoint. It may not be practical. I would prefer two robust tracks. I would rather investigate this and have it as an option versus the option of a track closing or becoming a special events track.


PS - Everyone - If I was considering sponsoring either one of these tracks and I read this thread, I wouldn't. So in the big picture, while this is perhaps a helpful idea, it hurts us. "You're killin me Petey!!!" Denzel Washington, Remember the Titans. We as a community need to have to have a more descrete way to discuss these things than on the public board that sponsors may read. And, based off of the response, I am not sure why Kosher should expect if he had e-mailed this to the TTOPA suggestion box it would have been given any consideration.



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If one of the tracks Klosed, wouldn't the drivers/fan$ basikally kombine anyway? If that happend, one track would end up with all the drivers and fan$. $o, why would they want to kombine and $plit the profit$, when they kould wait and get it all?


I know thi$ $ounds like a greedy idea, but isn't that what drive$ most bu$ine$$e$? $ure we all love racing, but we al$o love $$.

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The only assumptions I'm making is that THR has some great ideas for next season, which should help the track alot. If all goes well, maybe SAS will follow suit next season, and bring in many more fan$ as well :D :D


I'm not suggesting any track WANTS another track to klose by any means. But, if they split the cars and fans for a season, both tracks may be in trouble in the end if things DIDN'T improve.

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Maybe the LM's have priced themselves out of the weekly racing scene? I know in order to be in the NASCAR points SAS has to have so many races but if they cant get enough cars to bring the CPI up then whats the point? I would understand if maybe each track went to racing LM's every other week and do it staggered so you could run weekly if you wanted but it would be at both tracks. Maybe cut costs down enough in the other classes to so the counts can go way up. Look at CC. They run street tires in all their classes. Their cars dont cost a ton to run either so maybe the tracks should look into that direction. Maybe not street tires but a super hard compound that will last a while on those cars. Just cut costs and bring the racing back to what the weekly racer can afford and you may solve most of your problems. Don't let the tire and racing fuel companies run the track.

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THR and SAS merging ? Good idea or bad idea ? What does it matter...my money is on Hell freezing over before that happens. I know there is a lot of effort going on at THR to breath life into the track with new/more fans...I don't know about the effort being put out by SAS but I'm rooting for both to prosper. This thread should be put on the shelf and maybe opened up again next winter....

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A kouple of other thoughts, It may be more attraktive to potential trakk/kar sponsors to get exposure in two places instead of one, and it may only rain at one place, therefore it may kut down on rainout dates. Fans and drivers kould then chekk TSZ for a possible change of venue on race day in kase of bad weather.

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Im wth JC on this there use to be a central Texas championship trophy and a check for the guy the had the most combined points at the Austin and San Antonio tracks and now since it looks like the rules are going to be simular TTOPA should come up with something like that again

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I like Koshers idea. THR Friday nite and SAS Saturday nite.



I've been trying to get the tracks to make one set of purestock/bomber/roadrunner class rules. The only difference might be tire. That way a guy can run anywhere on any given weekend. Rainouts wouldn't be a problem. I thought that was the purpose of TTOPA but I guess it's not. Some of the asphalt tracks should actually look at running on fridays. I-37 is packed every Friday, but then again thats us dirt guys. I'm running dirt and asphalt this year. Should be fun.

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Long time ago that's how it was done. Speed-O-Rama on friday nite and HY16 on sat nite. When i was a crew member on Wayne Deckard's car we would blow a motor on friday, go to shop after the race and then pull it build another one and make the race sat nite in S/A. Those where the good old days, track's did work together, as i'm sure they are trying to do now. IT WAS A BLAST!


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