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USRA Meeting a "huge success"

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For Immediate Release - Jan. 10, 2004

Contact: Chuck Licata, 903.576.4144


USRA organizational meeting labeled 'a huge success'


A standing-room only crowd for the Jan. 8 organizational meeting for the United States Racing Association (USRA) lent further proof that asphalt short-track racing in Texas is on the verge of a "landmark" season in 2005.

USRA's meeting at the Holiday Inn Express in San Marcos last Saturday drew over 125 people - a combination of track owners, team owners, drivers, crew members and fans showed up to attend USRA's first gathering of 2005.

"We're just floored at the turnout," stated USRA owner Terry Dickerson. "The turnout was better than we could have imagined. This was a huge success - not just for our series, but for the asphalt racing in general. We appreciate the fact we had some people come from as far away as Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston to attend our meeting. The success of the meeting gives us a lot of positive momentum heading into the season."

USRA registered about 20 drivers for its Super Late Model series and 25 for its Truck series before the meeting began. The following is a summary of the topics that we discussed at the meeting.

*Dickerson revealed USRA will be making announcements over the next several weeks pertaining to sponsorship and contingency sponsors. Dickerson announced that Bubba Bankston has been named the Competition Director for the USRA Truck Series and Doug Ingalls the Competition Director for its Super Late Models series. Those moves allow USRA Race Director Terry Barden to oversee both series. Dickerson added that there will be several more familiar faces working with USRA; appointments will be announced shortly. Dickerson stated that communication would be a big key to success for the series and invited anyone to contact him directly, as per his Mission Statement released on Jan. 7th. Dickerson explained the "Double Down" concept, which gives the Super Late Model and Truck drivers a chance to triple their money at select USRA races; Dickerson revealed he hoped to have one Double Down race at each of the four tracks USRA will run in 2005. Dickerson said he hoped to finalize up to two races for USRA at Texas Motor Speedway for the 2005 season in the coming weeks. The USRA owner also announced the points fund for the Super Late Model series ($15,000) and the Truck series ($5,000) was intact and guaranteed for the 2005 season.

*USRA Race Director Terry Barden announced the rules for the Super Late Model series would be comparable to the ones used for the ROMCO series in 2004. Barden handed out several rule books for the Super Late Model series and said he would make some final announcements about the truck series in the next couple of weeks. Barden also followed up with USRA's participation in 2005 Speedfest to be held Jan. 27-29 at USA International Speedway in Lakeland, Fla. Barden stated the deadline for registration for USRA drivers to receive all bonuses at the race is Jan. 13 and encouraged anyone who needed more information to contact him personally.

*USRA Marketing/PR Director Chuck Licata announced the series web site (USRAspeed.com) was under construction and should be online within 14 days. Licata revealed the series had contact with several national, regional and local media outlets and would work hard to get to every media outlet in each driver's home town. “Our intent is to make our drivers the ‘stars’ that they are to the local media and their local communities,” Licata said. He also followed up on Dickerson's statement that there's going to be a USRA Souvenir Program for the 2005 season.

Linda Barden and USRA staff handled all the registration procedures at the meeting. Any driver who plans on running with USRA and was not at the meeting can contact Linda Barden for registration purposes at terlinbarden@yahoo.com.

Among those attending the meeting: San Antonio Speedway GM Mike Sepich and Media/Marketing Specialist Deb Williams; Thunder Hill Raceway owner Brian Callaway, THR Marketing Director Jon Sagester and announcer Bill Masom; former ARTS Lone Star Regional Director Jon Garrett; and, motorsports writer Jay Hallas.

Dickerson concluded by saying he hoped to hold a couple more organizational meetings during the 2005 season. “Overall, I would have to say this was the best racing organizational meeting I’ve ever held or attended,” said Dickerson, a former driver and track owner. “The positive energy that came out of this meeting was tremendous. With the continued support of all the people who attended the meeting, I feel very confident about what we’re doing and where we’re going in 2005.”

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