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TSRS Announcement?


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The "Major Announcement" about the TSRS Race Night on May 30th at Thunder Hill was that Casey Smith (Austin ASA Driver) and Bucky Godbolt (Host of The Zone's Morning Show) will be the Co-Grand Marshalls for the May 30th event.


Casey said on the show that he's very excited to be a Grand Marshall. In his "youthful innoncence," he said he doesn't "think of myself as a celebrity, but I'm very happy and honored to be the Grand Marshall of this race."



Thanks for asking, JP!!


Let's goooooooooooooo racing!!

Chuck L.

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Guest Justaracefan

Who groomed Casey for the Media. He seems way to natural for a 18 year old. He never seems like he is nervous, or gets raddled. Did he go through some type of training? He is a very good spokesmodel for racing, I am proud he represents Texas so well!

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I agree with you on Casey.


I got to know him a little bit a while back and he is a very nice and well mannered young man.


I do not know if anyone groomed him as you ask.


But, he is a shy young man, but when asked about racing, he doesn't seem to get nervous. I guess he just knows his stuff and feels confident when speaking.


I hope he continues on to do well in his racing endeavors.


I wish only the best for him.

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