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Give your car a good look over before next race.

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While you have time we all need to go spend time and look at front and rear bumpers. How are they mounted and whats the chances of it getting knocked off to the point of it dropping on the track. In 4 races we have had 2 hit the surface. Our rules do not require a bumper shell. FYI if that helps then do away with it and put some material in its place that bends and gives way. Also lets look at the added weight we are all carrying. Most of us are carrying several hundred lbs of lead and iron. If all you do is put a wrench on it and tighten them up after a couple of rough tracks thats better then nothing. Lets all do our parts to keep bumpers on the cars. If you have to weld a chain around it to the frame so it stays with you. Also we will inspect cars next race to make sure the weight is within the car and not on the bumper loop or bumper itself.

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