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Jay Simon


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Hang in there, bro..someone please let us know where he's at, and keep us informed.


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Dang it!


When I signed on here this morning and saw that the lastest post was under Jay Simon, I just had a feeling it was gonna say he was in a motorcycle accident. I remembered he said he was going to be riding up to the Dallas area on his motorcycle and talking about how cold it was gonna be.



Hang in there Jay. I hope you are not hurt badly. And I hope you get well very soon.

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Chris just called and said he talked to Jimmie and Jay has a broken colure bone and ? He will see the surgeon today.


He did have his helmet and jacket on at the time.


Chris wants to know if you need some “Monkey But”.


I want to know why you did not let us know before now.


Please call if you need anything. You could call even if you don’t need anything.



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We also know all to well, how bad motorcycle wrecks can be to ya...Hope they can fix you up and get you going again real soon. Our thoughts are with you. Do what the Doc tells you to do! Let us know if ya need anything! We know a really good Orthopedic Surgeon, if you need 2nd opinion.


Tommy and Teresa

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Thank you all for your support and prayers. I have been really under the weather since last friday. I was involved in a motorcycle accident. I was going through a corner when I slowed down with cars parked along side of the road when out of no where a deer ran out and hit the front wheel of the motorcycle. This sent me flying in the air over the handle bars landing on my head and left side. Yes I was wearing a helmet and yes it needs to be replaced but I did have a 8 inch plate and 12 screws put into my colar bone where it was broke in 4 places and I have also suffered a broken arm and elbo and sprained wrist. I also have gotten real sick after surgery with what they think is the flu and strep throat. I dont think it can get much worse than a cough and a metel plate rubbing...lol That is not what I am worried about...lol Does anybody know of where I can get cheep replacement parts for the bike? I am needing all plastic on the left side and also a gas tank. or how about a kick butt person to fix the scratches on the sides and put a kick a!! graphics paint job on it for me for CHEAP?


Anyways This might just have thrown out the late model for this next year and I hope to make it back out for the first race of the season. I go back into surgery on Dec. 3rd


Thank you all,


Jay Simon

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Well Thank Goodness you landed on your head, otherwise you might have been hurt worse. Just messin with you Jay. :)


I am very glad to hear the you are OK! Like Papa said the bones will mend and the bike can be fixed.


Take care of yourself and we will keeping sending good thoughts your way.

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Believe it or not when I got up the first thing I did was look right at the deer and I swear that the deer smiled at me and from the laying down position it jumped I guess 10 feet in the air and took off running and at the same time wagging his tail. But it sure would be nice to have some jerk in the near future. I can have it for awhile they are afraid that just pulling the jerky or anything tuff might break something else they have not found yet.




Papa and I hope this gives me a few extra pounds I allways needed alittle more left side weight.

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