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Karts getting a bad deal

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Why is everyone giving the kart a bad time, I have heard they r taking to much time.

These kids put a lot of time and money into there karts and they also pay to race.

What about you big boys out there that seem to take forever?

Give these kids a brake.


Bobby hope your ok after last night

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We were not there last night to see what happened, but i have heard that too about taking too long on the karts. These kids are our future drivers. Not only that, we pay to get in and to race with no payout.. we eat, buy drinks, spend money at the track. we have supported the track since it re opened not only with the go kart,but with the late model. Why do we have to make 2 or 3 laps before we get the CARS(late models included) lined back up? That always seems to take forever. SO just cant blame it on the Karts. My 2 cents.

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We were not there last night to see what happened, but i have heard that too about taking too long on the karts. These kids are our future drivers. Not only that, we pay to get in and to race with no payout.. we eat, buy drinks, spend money at the track. we have supported the track since it re opened not only with the go kart,but with the late model. Why do we have to make 2 or 3 laps before we get the CARS(late models included) lined back up? That always seems to take forever. SO just cant blame it on the Karts. My 2 cents.

I say in one lap if the big cars r not back in there spot start the race. You cause the yellow flag to come out 2 times the 3rd time you go to the pits.

time saved :lol:

SOS has been great with the karts.

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Man it kills me to see this happening. That's crappy for someone to have an issue with the karts. We go to your track from corpus and do not need discouraged. Money does that enough. The first race My daughter made it out there your track did something I thought was awesome. After the races the kids followed the track official on the front straight to wave to crowd. I think one person clapped, it killed me. So I started yelling and cheering and got a couple more people off there butt. I also have seen a few things that can be sped up to save time. jmo

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The are several current drivers driving cars that started with karts at STS. So it definately can be a training ground.How can it be taking too long? How are kart races held at SOS?

They also do a great job at SOS. they are not taking long at all in my opinion. Just cant make everyone happy. Its a nice place with an awesome kart track, and ive seen first hand how caring the track owners and officials are towards our karts drivers. I thought the races went good as far as start time and finish time. Thanks again SOS.

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This was a discussion if you refer to date after a race that intermission took hour and half it was not said due to every race and their was a discussion on facebook that found it's way on here.most everyone whom races does not have a problem with carts it was spectators whom were concerned on how long intermission was and said they would like for intermission to be shorter races were over at midnight this night,just remember tracks make their money by how many fans are in stands unhappy customers don't come back and that means no money to run a business.

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From what I see, most of us drivers don't have an issue with the go-karts. The track has shuffled them all around to make their portion of the show run more smoothly. I think the late night finish has just as much if not more to do with the big cars. I remember sitting in the staging lane one night watching the limiteds run probably 30 caution laps with most of them being under one caution. Raceceivers need to be made mandatory, there's no reason it should take more than a lap to get lined up. If you can't get in line based off of what they tell you over the radio, the track needs to black flag people. Extended cautions due to cleanup is one thing, but not being able to line up is ridiculous.

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All true. Some people might be getting it twisted. The most common complaint ive heard is the flow of the show. It has been better each week, but i do remember a couple times intermission going over an hour. It does seem pretty long for the fans. Ive had friends in the past come out to the track and leave before the feature because it started getting late. Not intended to bash in anyway, but just maybe something to focus on to improve the show. When we run 4 classes(and some with only 1 heat) I feel like we can get the show over with and fans heading back home a decent hour... Like i said before, it hasnt been a issue lately and i understand that sometimes things out of our control can happen(red flags, etc). Keep up the good work SOS

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