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NASCAR's Decline


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Nascar has become a predictable sport. Its no longer about who was best on that given sunday but more who has spent the most. I still believe there is talent in the field but not as much as say back in the 80s. Back then to win you had to have a decent car and the driver made up the difference, Now the driver has become the lesser of the equation. If the car is right, then any idiot can make a good showing. And the other side is even the best driver cant do well in outdated equipment. Thats one part of the equation.

The other part is the drivers themselves. For some reason, Nascar has deviated away from what made them popular in the first place. "The fight" at Daytona put them on the map. But now drivers are handled and prepped to say and do what is politicly correct and in a way there desire and passion have become numb. There is too much outside influence on drivers now. They have to say all the right things and act the way the rule book states. Now you have a sport as undesirable to watch as 9 innings of baseball.



Proof: Tony Stewart got pissed at Kurt Busch for bumping him out of the way at the end of the race. Fair?? Maybe. Did anyone see Jimmie Johnson go get in Tonys face for running out of talent and wrecking them both?? Nope. I am no Stewart fan, but Id rather watch drivers like Stewart, both Busch brothers, Harvick and Montoya race week end and week out give 110% to win a race that they drive with emotion and heart than this boring, watch what you say, dont show emotion kinda crap that airs now. Im not saying they should wreck each other, just let them have the freedom to be racecar drivers. Keep the media out of their faces after a wreck or as soon as they step two feet out of the infield care center. Let them blow off steam when they need to.

One of the biggest rivalries in Nascar has always been between Richard Petty and David Pearson. Somehow I dont remember seeing them need to come to blows to settle anything. Give the drivers the freedom to be drivers and after a little while the racing will change and the fans will return. The days of the Petty - Pearson rivalry may be gone but there is always a rivalry that people watch. Earnhardt - Waltrip, Earnhardt - Wallace, Earnhardt - Gordon, Gordon - Martin. Nascar, despite the "Have at it" scheme that Humpy promoted, has put down any such rivalries with all the politicaly correctness they shove down everyones throat.

I say, let em race. JMO

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