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Bradley Riethmeyer @ Kentucky


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this little guy amazes me every time he gets in a car. first time in this car on this track and comes home 3rd. couldnt ask for much more than that. it was a ton of fun, i think the least amount of work we have done this year. gotta say thanks to Kieth, Bradley, Texmex, and Scotty for letting me tag along. also want to say thank you to Richardson Racing, Maximum Performance Motorsports, and the fine people from Jeff Hamner Racing Engines for the opprotunity for Bradley(and me) to be able to make this race. putting fuel in a race car may seem easy, but dont get it twisted, those cans are heavy and akward. after fueling Bradleys car and helping a little on the 33 cars pit stops, Texmex and I went down to Casey Smiths pit to fuel his car and Texmex was carrying tires. Casey finished 6th and thankfully didnt loose very much track position in the pits. thanks again to everyone that made this weekend possible, it was awesome.


oh yea, we even got some tsz stickers on the car, here is a pic.


big john


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Bradley Ran his butt off. I tried to help em get 2nd for sure, but blown tires with 10 to go dont help much! lol. Sorry for leavin you out there with the pack of wolves. But you handled yourself fine. You impressed alotta people and myself. Great Job Froggy and Bear down at Kyle. See ya at SAS


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